Tuesday, September 4, 2012


We are in the midst of the political season in our country.  This country is spending untold Millions of dollars to sway voters to vote in like manner.  

We keep hearing about The "LEFT" is the cause of the problems in this world.  Others swear that is The "RIGHT" where all problems begin.  You could present a case for your choice that carries with it many facts and data that persuades in your favor.  

But the sad fact is, GOD ALMIGHTY has been so ignored, ridiculed, and not taken seriously by society that HE is preparing to take HIS protective hand away from us.  GOD is a gentleman and HE will not force HIS self on anyone or anything.  

GOD can, and does, cause even people who are do not worship HIM to do HIS will!   Even Pharaoh,  King of Egypt who had held Israel captive for 430 years, was moved to let the Israelites go free.  Then, the King had his heart changed and went after them.   In Exodus 14:13-14 scripture reads "And Moses said to the people, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.  The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.".  The rest, as they say, is history!  

You don't have to be a history professor to know The United States of America has been blessed by GOD in it's short history.  The are TOO many battles to list that the USA should have lost.  But GOD intervened and we prevailed.  

Now, so-called scholars and intellects are wanting us to believe that "We are TOO big to fail"!  The BIBLE does not mention any power like the USA in the end times.  How could we go from being SO powerful to SO vulnerable in such a short period of time?  In 1960, when I was born, America had $286 BILLION in debt.  Tonight, we will exceed the $16 TRILLION mark in debt!   The United States of America has become so comfortable, relaxed, and bloated that we cannot shake the FAT!  We are too overweight to ever lose enough "dead weight" to get healthy again.  

We have taken our eyes off of our PROTECTOR and have been admiring our success!  We are so "drunk" on our own wealth and security that we cannot see the doom that is about to hit. 

CARMAN sings a song called "America Again"!  In the song there is a line that says "When it gets to the point that people would rather come out of the closet than clean it, it's the sign the judgement of GOD is gonna fall"!!  

GOD ALMIGHTY, forgive this servant for being so caught up in worldly possessions and getting ahead in life, that I have neglected my country going down the tube!  

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