Friday, December 19, 2014


Isaiah 43:18-19                  (ESV)
"18 "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. 
19 Behold, I am doing "A NEW THING"; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

One of the most sure things to do when you are in trouble is to read the directions!  How many times have I been traveling to a place and have to use MapQuest to help me find directions on where I should be headed?  The frustration of not knowing exactly where you are going can be one of the most unnerving feelings.  But having the WRONG directions is even worse!

Just because the Holy Bible has the account of the Israelites crossing The Red Sea in it does not indicate that the next time I go to the Red Sea I should read Exodus for directions though!  To "remember not the former things" does not suggest that we forget what the consequences of obedience and disobedience were and are.  The life-lessons that are recorded in scripture are there for a purpose, to guide our lives into holy living.  Chapter 14 & 15 of Exodus should always remind us that sometimes GOD will put us in a circumstance where our ONLY hope is to trust in HIM, just as the Israelites had to trust in HIM!  

Behold, I am doing "A NEW THING" let's me know that even though I may not be experiencing the Red Sea, GOD will "make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert" for me!  Although the crossing of the Red Sea occurred thousands of years ago, the same GOD who parted the waters for the children of Israel cared and loved me enough to send HIS SON to provide a sacrifice for my salvation!  There is no greater LOVE than this (John 15:13).

We ALL have our own journey to travel (1 Corinthians 7:17) in this life.  The Holy Bible is the direction we all need to get where we are headed.  Everyone is assigned their own directions that are revealed the study of the Bible.  As long as GOD is guiding and directing our lives, we can be assured of arriving where we need to be.  Our "journey" is not always written in black and white, we have to walk by FAITH most of the time!  But if we are listening to GOD speaking in HIS still, small voice, HE will guide us to 'A NEW THING" for our lives!

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