Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Psalms 55:22               (ESV)
"Cast your burden on the LORD, and "HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU"; HE will never permit the righteous to be moved."

How many times in my life must I be shown that I am NOT in control of anything?  I think I have everything going my way, and then the proverbial bottom falls out of things and I find myself in a crisis.  Only THEN do I run to GOD begging for mercy and grace to bail me out of the trouble I am in.  

The Psalm above is short, but so instructive.  When we have burdens we are instructed to CAST them upon the LORD.  It doesn't say to hold on to the burden, or to figure out the burden.  When something is given to the LORD, it is not meant to be taken back.  There are too many times in my life where I have supposedly given a problem to the LORD and continued to try to figure a solution.  Why do I try to improve upon what GOD is doing on my behalf?  Do I think I can do better?  Or is it that I can't wait for GOD's timing to work things out?  

"HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU" is a promise.  But, the word "and" tells us the promise is conditional upon us leaving our burden with the LORD.  My desire is figure out a solution to problems is so intense at times that I fail to look to HIM for answers. But if "HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU" has been promised to me, why would I want to inject the thoughts from my mind into GOD's plan!  

Most are aware that one of my favorite verses is Psalms 46:10. "BE STILL, and KNOW that I am GOD" is not a suggestion.  When we KNOW that HE is GOD it becomes easier to live the phrase "HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU" within our lives.  When we aren't REAL SURE about who is in control, it becomes more difficult to believe "HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU"!  

GOD does not want a bunch of robots to walk a programmed life.  HE wants us to choose to follow HIS lead as we walk our journey.  "HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU" is something HE would love to do for all of us.  Maybe when I realize HIS solution is better than anything I can come up with I will allow HIM to?  

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