Monday, December 1, 2014


Psalms 43:1-5            (ESV)
"1 Vindicate me, O GOD, and defend my cause against an ungodly people, from the deceitful and unjust man deliver me! 
2 For you are the GOD in whom I take refuge; why have you rejected me? Why do I go about mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? 
3 Send out "YOUR LIGHT and YOUR TRUTH"; let them lead me; let them bring me to YOUR holy hill and to YOUR dwelling! 
4 Then I will go to the altar of GOD, to GOD my exceeding joy, and I will praise YOU with the lyre, O GOD, my GOD. 
5 Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in GOD; for I shall again praise HIM, my salvation and my GOD."

King David was "a man after GOD's own heart".  However, he was a flawed man who sinned and admitted those sins to a Holy GOD.  The King James Version of Psalms 43:1 says "Judge me"!   My humble interpretation of this phrase is "Correct me if I am wrong, O GOD".  King David knew what is was like to experience the Spirit of GOD withdrawing from his life because of sin.  He also knew where to return (altar of GOD v.4) to have that relationship restored.  

When King David prayed for "YOUR LIGHT and YOUR TRUTH" he was not requesting to make his own point of view accepted as being correct.  He was praying that he would follow "YOUR LIGHT and YOUR TRUTH"!  If we follow a man-made light, we most assuredly will be disappointed with the outcome.  Proverbs 3:5 warns us "do not lean on your own understanding"!  Only GOD can provide "YOUR LIGHT and YOUR TRUTH" for us. 

There are times when turmoil (v.5) enters our lives, whether through our own actions or the actions of others.  Turmoil, or conflict, usually arises when two or more points of view are not being communicated adequately.  Whenever turmoil rears it ugly head, it is best to deal with it quickly.  If not quickly addressed, it will be like a cancer in a body, growing without being checked and causing tremendous harm.  The enemy loves for our attention to be off of "YOUR LIGHT and YOUR TRUTH" and focused on turmoil so all we see is the conflict and NOT the things of GOD!

When the enemy presents turmoil in my life I need to understand and identify that GOD is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33), but of PEACE!   There is nothing to be ashamed of because of running to the altar of GOD.  King David wrote about running to that altar often.  We should be more willing to run to GOD with our turmoil.  Our turmoil can be easily overcome when we rely on "YOUR LIGHT and YOUR TRUTH" to illuminate our path!

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