Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Proverbs 15:3                    (ESV)
"The "EYES OF THE LORD" are in every place, keeping watch on THE EVIL and THE GOOD."

There have been times in my life when I have done something I KNEW was wrong, and I immediately knew it!  There have also been times when my eyes were opened to my wrongdoing long after the act was committed.  Me recognizing the EVIL or GOOD had no bearing on whether the act actually was EVIL or GOOD.  However, having the "EYES OF THE LORD" looking upon those acts is what should concern me!  

You cannot expect to have your most heinous sins "overlooked" on judgement day.  Romans 2:6 tells us that "HE will render to each one according to his works"!  Yes, the LORD watches everything we do, wherever and whenever we do it!  There are no exceptions!  There are no "do-overs"!  That day is coming for ALL of us.  

Although that day will bring much "wailing and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 13:50), there is a HOPE for some!  The "EYES OF THE LORD" not only judges the "EVIL" we have done, but HE judges the "GOOD" HE has done through our lives!  Don't be foolish enough to think you can do anything to merit the favor of GOD ALMIGHTY!  Only allowing the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST to tabernacle in you will save you from judgement on that day!  The "EYES OF THE LORD" are in every place.  My prayer is HIS eyes are in your life! 

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