Friday, March 27, 2015


1 Corinthians 1:29-31      (KJV)
"29 That no flesh should glory "IN HIS PRESENCE ".
30 But of him are ye in CHRIST JESUS, who of GOD is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
31 That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the LORD."

A few years ago I worked at at aluminum processing plant.  Recyclers would sell scrap aluminum to the plant and we would melt the scrap into ingots to be remade into can again.  When the aluminum was hot enough, "dross" would be skimmed off the top and removed from the pit and the purified aluminum would proceed through the process. 

GOD chooses to reveal HIMSELF to those who HE preordains to serve HIM.  We are not better than other, only chosen by HIM.  We should not think we are special because GOD has revealed HIMSELF or HIS truths to us!  Scripture tells us that HE "chooses" to whom HE reveals HIMSELF.  Not because we are holier than others!  No, it is because of HIS mercy and grace that I am saved from the cesspool of sin!   

When HE chose me HE had to dip way down deep into the pit to remove me from the dross!  To say I am blessed to be "IN HIS PRESENCE" is a vast understatement.  HE CHOSE ME!

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