Monday, March 23, 2015


Psalms 85:7-9                            (ESV)
"7 Show us YOUR steadfast love, O LORD, and grant us your salvation. 
8 "LET ME HEAR" what GOD the LORD will speak, for HE will speak peace to HIS people, to HIS saints; but let them not turn back to folly. 
9 Surely HIS salvation is near to those who fear HIM, that glory may dwell in our land."

To hear from GOD a person must be listening!  But how do you listen to a Spirit when you are human?  C.S. Lewis has a quote that I look at numerous times daily, "You don't have a Soul; You are a Soul.  You have a Body!"  The enemy, the master of disguise, makes us believe and accept that our physical bodies are all that really matters.  We get so caught up with the physical aspects of our lives that we seem to totally minimize, or completely overlook, the Spiritual!

To listen to, and for, GOD we must slow our lives down and get on HIS divine wavelength!  HE STILL SPEAKS is a song that begins "Amidst the hustling, clamoring world it's sometimes hard to hear the voice of GOD speaking to my Soul, But in my quiet time alone, when I approach HIS Holy Throne, HIS tender Words fall gently on my ears."  The enemy would like nothing more than for us to be so BUSY on things that we see as good that we don't have time to praise and worship GOD ALMIGHTY!   When GOD's Words "fall gently on my ears" there is no sweeter sound!  Sure, we want to PRAISE and ADORE HIM for everything HE does in our lives!  But when we listen for, and receive, a Word from HIM, our world is fundamentally changed!

We don't always get to hear the answer we want to hear WHEN we want to hear it.  Sometimes we need to listen a while longer.   Sometimes we need to remove ALL outside interference!  We need to just be alone with GOD and wait for HIS direction.  When we get to where we can say "LET ME HEAR" from GOD without ulterior motives, then we are getting near HIS THRONE.  GOD doesn't need our help (Exodus 14:14), HE only requires us to "LET ME HEAR" from HIM!

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