Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Psalms 27:14                       (ESV)
"WAIT FOR THE LORD"; be strong, and let your heart take courage; WAIT FOR THE LORD!"

The faster the enemy can "spin our top" the less time we BELIEVE we have for anything Spiritual in our lives.  Satan desires to DECEIVE us into believing that we HAVE to perform at a certain level, that we HAVE to live in a more comfortable home or drive the latest model vehicle, basically live a little higher on the hog than we should so we can amass MORE stuff!

There was recently something shared with me that made me reconsider my priorities .  It said "The devil wants you to WORRY about your future so you can't enjoy your life right now!  He is a liar!  Enjoy every minute of your life because it is a gift from GOD!"  My Bible study yesterday began with 2 Peter 3:14-15a that says "14 Therefore, beloved, since you are WAITING for these, be diligent to be found by HIM without spot or blemish, and at peace.  15 And count the PATIENCE of our LORD as salvation..."  When the enemy gets our focus onto the problems of THIS WORLD, of which he is the Prince of (John 12:31; John 14:30; 2 Corinthians 4:4.....), we are unable to Rest and "WAIT FOR THE LORD"! 

Deceit has always been the devil's trademark.  JESUS said in John 8:44 that the enemy is "the father of lies" and that his very character is built from a lie!  If my mind can BELIEVE that I must perform up to a standard THIS WORLD world dictates then I am operating under false pretenses...under deceit!  IF he gets us to believe in his timeframe we will live a defeated life. 

Scripture is filled with instructions to "WAIT FOR THE LORD"!  So many times I want to assist GOD in the battle planning!  I want to have some input into how things will "work out"!  But when we "WAIT FOR THE LORD", listen for HIM, and we trust in HIM all glory HAS to go TO HIM!  How many people could have parted the Red Sea?  How did Shadrach, Meshac and Abednego survive the fiery furnace?  HOW DID JESUS SURVIVE CALVARY?  They ALL, and we MUST, "WAIT FOR THE LORD"!  

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