Friday, June 26, 2015


1 Corinthians 7:17                           (ESV)
"Only let "EACH PERSON" lead the life that the LORD has assigned to him, and to which GOD has called him. This is my rule in all the churches."

There are those that cannot be helped, no matter how much they need help.  For help to do any "good", it has to be received with a open and gracious heart.  A person whose heart hasn't been prepared by the MASTER cannot properly receive a blessing from another.  Even though that person be given immense amount of assistance, unless GOD is behind the assistance it will done in vein.  

The Apostle Paul said for "EACH PERSON" to lead the life the LORD assigns him.  GOD knew I needed to grow up poor, in a single parent home, with no father in my life, so I would it would be easier to trust HIM with everything, including my life!  It is easy to SAY that you trust GOD until they put you in a three week coma, then it becomes more than REAL!  When I realize that GOD makes NO MISTAKES, that HE even uses our mistakes for HIS glory, it humbles me beyond words.  

Yes, I have to live with my mistakes just like my parents lived with their mistakes!  GOD uses those mistakes and other circumstances to grow us into vessels to glorify HIS name.  Whether financial struggles, racial conflict, health concerns, or any other difficulty, GOD IS IN CONTROL and HE WILL BE GLORIFIED!  

"EACH PERSON" means exactly what it says!  You can't exclude yourself from living the life HE has assigned for you.  Surrendering to HIM makes things go a lot smoother.  In Acts 9:5 (KJV) JESUS says "I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks."  Paul's journey wasn't the easiest, but he followed the direction of JESUS so GOD would get glory from his life!  FATHER IN HEAVEN, help me to realize that I am just a vessel used so "EACH PERSON" can know that YOU ARE KING!!

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