Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Psalms 25:3-5                       (ESV)
"3 Indeed, none who wait for YOU shall be put to shame; they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous. 
4 Make me to know YOUR ways, O LORD; "teach me YOUR paths".
5 Lead me in YOUR truth and teach me, for YOU are the GOD of my salvation; for YOU I wait all the day long."

Walking through life with no clear direction can be very frustrating, even debilitating!  While it is true that we are instructed to "walk by faith", knowing whether to "WALK" or "WAIT" requires not only knowing GOD's voice, but knowing HIS character.  The enemy can camouflage his evilness to appear like something so enticing and good for us, but it will never end with good results.  

But how do we KNOW we are heading down the path GOD has for our lives?  Is there a RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT approach where GOD reveals HIMSELF and HIS will to us!  King David was a man after GOD's heart (1 Samuel 13:14) so he had a pretty good idea when something was pleasing to GOD, or when GOD was displeased with his actions.  When the Father/Child relationship is hindered the child seldom requires a NEWS ALERT alarming them of the breech. While King David enjoyed great times spent with GOD, he also experienced GOD's judgement on more than one occasion.

When David wrote "TEACH ME YOUR PATHS" it was a testimony that living in judgement isn't a preferred place to reside.  Wanting "to know YOUR ways" was, and still is, the desired path for GOD's children.  To 'teach' us the things we need to 'learn' can be a painful and humbling time in our lives, but we are here to glorify GOD, not for our comfort!  If we journeyed our paths there would certainly be those who would glorify their choices and direction. 

"TEACH ME YOUR PATHS" is as much as a recognition that HIS ways are best as it is that my ways are failures!  There is nothing good within me (Romans 7:16-18) save the Spirit of JESUS!  When we come to the realization of that TRUTH we are beginning to be on the right path of pleasing HIM.  We may face times when HIS Voice isn't as clear as we would like it to be, HIS relationship with us will remain forever.  

HEAVENLY FATHER, I pray that YOU will "TEACH ME YOUR PATHS" so I can be used to glorify YOUR GREAT NAME!!!

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