Sunday, June 7, 2015


John 4:22-26                         (ESV)
"22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.
23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the FATHER is seeking such people to worship HIM.
24 GOD IS SPIRIT, and those who worship HIM must "WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH."
25 The woman said to him, "I know that MESSIAH is coming (he who is called CHRIST). When HE comes, HE will tell us all things."
26 JESUS said to her, "I who speak to you am HE." 

'This world' attempts to limit what GOD can do, how GOD does things, and who GOD can do those things to!  They try to tell us we can't worship GOD in government owned buildings, we can't bring GOD into schools, and that GOD must be contained to our private, controlled atmosphere.  

GOD created the heavens and the earth and who do we think we are to say HE isn't allowed to be where HE wants to be?  John 4:24 says 'GOD IS SPIRIT'!  Since 'GOD IS SPIRIT' are they telling us that we must control a Spirit?  Are they telling the church to limit the CREATOR of the universes?  If we are told by 'this world' to not interject GOD into public conversation, should we keep our children at home from schools?  Romans 8:9-11 says if we do not have the Spirit of CHRIST living in us then we do NOT belong to HIM!

Perhaps we should be more focused on making sure the Spirit of GOD is in our kids and let HIS Spirit do HIS work?  Sure, JESUS spoke before large, majestic crowds of 5,000 men, but when the time came to minister to this woman he sent HIS disciples away (John 4:8) and dealt with her ONE on one, just HIM and her!  Maybe we need to focus more on the individual instead of the masses?  

When I slow down and grasp just WHO GOD is I must "WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH"!  Mankind can no more limit GOD than humans can control the weather!  Governments can not dictate where a Spirit goes although they try!  You can't control your own Creator, and like it or not, we all were created by GOD and one day we will "WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH"!  

Romans 14:11-12  "..for it is written, "As I live, says the LORD, every knee shall bow to me, and EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS TO GOD."  So then each of us will give an account of himself to GOD."

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