Saturday, June 6, 2015


Ezekiel 16:14-16                    (ESV)
"14 And your renown went forth among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect through the splendor that "I HAD BESTOWED ON YOU", declares the LORD GOD.
15 "But you trusted in your beauty and played the whore because of your renown and lavished your whorings on any passerby; your beauty became his.
16 You took some of your garments and made for yourself colorful shrines, and on them played the whore. The like has never been, nor ever shall be."

ISRAEL has been GOD's chosen people since the Abrahamic Covenant in Genesis 15.  It wasn't because of ISRAEL's might or numbers (Deuteronomy 7), but because of GOD desiring to be worshipped and honored by HIS Creation that HE "preferred" ISRAEL.  GOD doesn't need us to worship HIM, but HE desires us to worship HIM!  

But ISRAEL hasn't always the greatest at adorning GOD with the praise and admiration HE deserves.  In Ezekiel 16:14 GOD announces that ISRAEL's "renown" had grown exponentially because of the SPLENDOR  "I HAD BESTOWED ON YOU"!  GOD did not bestow SPLENDOR on ISRAEL for them to look good among other nations for their glory, but for GOD to be glorified!  GOD says that ISRAEL became so caught up glorifying themselves that they forgot their SPLENDOR was because "I HAD BESTOWED ON YOU" blessings from above!  

The United States of America has been blessed of GOD unlike any other nation in history, with the exception of ISRAEL!  And yet the USA is "trusting in its beauty" and "lavished your whorings" on any passerby just like the children of ISRAEL did.  It appears the USA thinks that our military strength and our wealth can control our future!  But GOD allowed ISRAEL to experience humility and GOD can allow the USA to be humbled as well.  GOD does not share HIS glory with anyone!  Isaiah 42:8 says "I am the LORD; that is MY name; MY glory I give to no other...".  It seems the USA has turned from the teachings of HIS Word?

But ultimately, we cannot think we as individuals can do things on our own in an attempt to bless HIM!  If GOD gets honor and glory from our lives, it is because "I HAD BESTOWED ON YOU" blessings from above!  We can't plan or scheme a plan grand enough to glorify the CREATOR!  To understand that GOD IS IN CONTROL means that HE controls our thoughts and emotions, EVEN the thoughts and emotions of those who don't believe and trust in HIM (Exodus 14:4)!  If we are blessed with splendor that "I HAD BESTOWED ON YOU" we might want to remember from where it came!  

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