Monday, August 31, 2015


"People believe in the Bible (that is it's literacy), but not the GOD of the Bible and the reality of HIS is-ness! (Heb.11:6)."  Bishop Robert E. Smith, Sr. --- Facebook comment 08/31/2015

"And without faith it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must "BELIEVE THAT HE EXISTS" AND THAT HE REWARDS THOSE WHO SEEK HIM." - Hebrews 11:6 (ESV)

Bishop, the Spirit of GOD has been dealing with me lately about this very subject....acknowledging GOD for what HE is, what HE has done, what HE can do, and what HIS Word says HE is going to do!  Let alone what others believe, if 'I TRULY' exhibited that I believe that GOD is on HIS throne AND was in CONTROL, why should I worry?  

The enemy may be cornering me near a Red Sea in my life, but the same GOD who parted the Red Sea for the Children of Israel is in CONTROL!  Why should I be concerned?  Why should I fret?  When you SLOW DOWN (the enemy loves to get us so busy that we don't recognize WHO GOD is!) and remember that GOD is the ONE Who created everything, and HE loves us SOOO much HE sent HIS SON as a sacrifice for our atonement, we should REJOICE EVERMORE (Thessalonians 5:16)!  

C.S. Lewis offered a quote that has been instrumental in changing my life.  He said "You don't have a Soul.  You ARE a Soul.  You have a body"!   Allowing the enemy to masquerade himself as keeping us "too busy" to follow the ONE Who created everything could be one of the most absurd things mankind has ever fallen for!  Our GOD desires, AND DESERVES, our praise, reverence, and adoration!  GOD didn't only inspire HIS Word (The HOLY BIBLE), we must "BELIEVE THAT HE EXISTS"!!!

Friday, August 28, 2015


Genesis 32:22-32                     (ESV)
"22 The same night he arose and took his two wives, his two female servants, and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the Jabbok.
23 He took them and sent them across the stream, and everything else that he had.
24 And Jacob was left alone. And A MAN wrestled with him until the breaking of the day.
25 When THE MAN saw that HE did not prevail against Jacob, HE touched his hip socket, and Jacob's hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with HIM.
26 Then HE said, "Let ME go, for the day has broken." But Jacob said, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."
27 And HE said to him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Jacob."
28 Then HE said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with GOD and with men, and have prevailed."
29 Then Jacob asked him, "Please tell me YOUR name." But HE said, "Why is it that you ask MY name?" And there HE blessed him.
30 So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, saying, "For I HAVE SEEN GOD FACE TO FACE, AND YET MY LIFE HAS BEEN DELIVERED."
31 The sun rose upon him as he passed Penuel, LIMPING BECAUSE OF HIS HIP.
32 Therefore "TO THIS DAY" the people of Israel do not eat the sinew of the thigh that is on the hip socket, because he touched the socket of Jacob's hip on the sinew of the thigh."

To those familiar with the story, there is little doubt that Jacob (later known as Israel) encountered a Divine Being that night near the river called Jabbok.  Although scripture doesn't identify the "MAN", most have the opinion that it was GOD THE SON.  One commentary says the following:      

As we read, the scripture does not say that this wrestling match was with an 'angel' but                 with a 'man.' Although the man does not give his name, Jacob understood that he had struggled with God and that he "saw God face to face" (Genesis 32:30). Because of this, many believe the person who fought him was actually God the Son - the same One who had appeared to both Abraham (Genesis 12:7; 17:1; 18:1) and Isaac (Genesis 26:1, 24) in the form of a 'man.'  

Regardless of WHO it was that Jacob/Israel wrestled that morning, his life was forever changed by the Divine encounter.  Israel presumably "limped" the rest of his life because of struggling with GOD.  He had visual evidence that his life had been altered by GOD. 

When we experience GOD HE leaves HIS impression in our lives.  Although some people observe our lives from a worldly view, they CANNOT SEE the impression.  In Matthew 13:13-14 JESUS says "This is why I speak to them in parables, because 'seeing' THEY DO NOT SEE, and 'hearing' THEY DO NOT HEAR, nor DO THEY UNDERSTAND.  Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says: "You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive".  BUT Spiritually, our lives are irreversibly changed for HIS GLORY!

Israel limped because of his encounter with GOD.  The people of Israel would not, "TO THIS DAY", eat the muscle (some say tendon) of the thigh because GOD impaired Jacob/Israel's leg.  
Can people SEE the impact GOD has made in my life?  Has my life been altered so greatly that people notice something different when they see me?  My desire is for my life to reflect the Glory of GOD and display HIS mercy for all to plainly SEE "TO THIS DAY"!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Psalms 51:15-17           (ESV)
"15 O LORD, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. 
16 For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. 
17 The sacrifices of GOD are a broken spirit; "A BROKEN AND CONTRITE HEART", O GOD, you will not despise."

Seeing things from another persons point of view isn't always the easiest thing to do.   Everyone sees things from a viewpoint of where they are looking from.  A millionaire with a bank account balance of $100 might be in bad shape, but the same $100 would represent great wealth to some.  Being able to see things from where another is viewing them, from their perspective, might be more of a gift from GOD than one could imagine.  

It is easy to praise the LORD when everything is going the way you think it should go.  But seeing things from the perspective of "A BROKEN AND CONTRITE HEART" when things are running smoothly is not something that comes naturally.  Being able to fix your vision on things above has a way of changing your course, a way of mapping a different direction for your life.  

Psalms 51:10 says "Create in me a clean heart, O GOD, and renew a right spirit within me."   For us to acquire a clean heart there must be Divine intervention.  One definition of "contrite" is "filled with a sense of guilt and desire for atonement ".  To understand that we are a broken people in need of atonement is one of the prerequisites for acknowledging that a HOLY GOD is what we need.  To acknowledge that GOD is HOLY (Perfect) and we are not is the beginning of servanthood.  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray that I will have a sense of how lowly I really am by having "A BROKEN AND CONTRITE HEART".  At the same time, cause me to grasp just how majestic YOU are and to realize that there are no limits to what YOU can accomplish.  Accepting "A BROKEN AND CONTRITE HEART" is tremendously easier to accept when I understand the sacrifice YOU made to REDEEM my soul!  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Psalms 22:1-6                    (ESV)
"1 MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? 
2 O my GOD, I cry by day, "BUT YOU DO NOT ANSWER", and by night, but I find no rest. 
3 Yet YOU are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. 
4 In YOU our fathers trusted; they trusted, and YOU delivered them. 
5 To YOU they cried and were rescued; in YOU they trusted and were not put to shame. 
6 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people."

If Psalms 22:1 seems very familiar to you you may recall when JESUS was hanging on Calvary's cross in Matthew 27:46 HE cried out to GOD a similar request.  The fellowship between GOD and JESUS had never been broken until JESUS freely took on my sin, because I could not PAY the sin-DEBT I owed!  The weight of owing a DEBT is a burdensome thing.  Until that DEBT is wiped clean by someone with the capital to cover the DEBT, a person can feel abandoned!  

King David must have felt abandoned when writing this Psalm.  He must have felt GOD had left him with his problems to figure them out on his own.  Like a debtor with insufficient funds to pay his DEBT, we have no capital to cover the amount we owe.  The experience that JESUS must have been subjected to in Matthew 27:46 was something HE had never experienced before.  GOD cannot fellowship with sin and all my sin was placed upon JESUS while HE hung on that cross!  

GOD's Word promises to NEVER leave us (Deuteronomy 31:6;8 and Hebrews 13:5), but GOD is HOLY and HE cannot abide sin!  How then, did King David write that GOD had forsaken him!  Why did he feel as though GOD had abandoned him when he needed GOD?  Might it be that GOD is silent at times to allow our FAITH IN GOD to increase?  

When we are delivered from catastrophic circumstances, we develop a know-so FAITH compared to the believe-so FAITH we formerly had!  "BUT YOU DO NOT ANSWER" doesn't necessarily mean that GOD has abandoned us.  It may mean HE is developing our FAITH in HIM so HE CAN BE GLORIFIED!!

There are times when I get a telephone call and I choose not to answer it AT THE TIME it rings!  I may be in a meeting with someone, or I may be busy with something.  But if that person calls me back several times trying to get me to answer, I will probably get worn down and finally answer the call and see what it is they want!  GOD may need us to continue praying, not to get on HIS nerves, but to develop our FAITH that HE is able to provide what is needed to glorify HIM!  "BUT YOU DO NOT ANSWER" may be a signal we need to keep calling!  

Monday, August 24, 2015


Matthew 10:16-23       (ESV)
"16 "Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
17 Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synagogues,
18 and you will be dragged before governors and kings for MY sake, to bear witness before them and the Gentiles.
19 When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour.
20 For it is not you who speak, but the SPIRIT of your FATHER speaking through you.
21 Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death,
22 and "YOU WILL BE HATED" by all FOR MY NAME's SAKE. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
23 When THEY PERSECUTE YOU IN ONE TOWN, FLEE TO THE NEXT, for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the SON of MAN comes."

Being formerly a person who always wanted to see progress, my mentality was if something wasn't being done to advance my cause then I wasn't trying hard enough!  Offending others was part of the risk of getting things done, but my view was at least something was being accomplished!  In preparing for my Sunday School lesson recently I came across these verses and my eyes were opened to a NEW (to me) TRUTH.  

JESUS was hated by "this world" because of WHO HE was and what HE stood for.  HE didn't have to do ANYTHING that offended, being "HOLY" was enough!  One cannot please everyone (Matthew 6:24) and it shouldn't surprise us when our behavior offends "this world".  CHRIST lives in us and "this world" and CHRIST were diametrically opposed.  "This world" wants to show what they have accomplished while Believers in HIM desire to GOD be glorified!  

My pastor recently shared with our congregation a list of things named "Proud People vs. Broken People" (   "YOU WILL BE HATED" is "this world's" way of separating themselves from Believers (or Broken People!).  When we "choose you this day" (Joshua 24:15) so serve the LORD we set ourselves against the "Proud People" and their ways!  And all we have to do is live for HIM to attract such venom!  

Matthew 10:22 says ""YOU WILL BE HATED" by all FOR MY NAME's SAKE"!  The simple fact of having the Spirit of JESUS living inside of my body is enough to offend most of "this world"!  The Spirit of the Living GOD and the spirit of "this world" have been opposed to each other since "the beginning"!  The most offensive thing I could ever do to "this world" is allow JESUS to reign and rule in my life!  There is a reason "YOU WILL BE HATED" in my life.  What is the reason for you???

Friday, August 21, 2015


John 3:25-30                       (ESV)
"25 Now a discussion arose between some of John's disciples and a Jew over purification.
26 And they came to John and said to him, "Rabbi, he who was with you across the Jordan, to whom you bore witness-look, he is baptizing, and all are going to him."
27 John answered, "A person cannot receive "EVEN ONE THING" unless it is given him from heaven.
28 You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, 'I am not the CHRIST, but I have been sent before HIM.'
29 The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. 
30 HE must increase, but I must decrease." 

Recently I wrote something that may have been misunderstood.  I wrote "By my latest calculations there are 20+ men and women vying for the office of President of the United States of America in January 2017.   There will only be one elected to the position.  Have you prayed about who GOD would have you vote for?  Or are you waiting to see who the media says the "front runner" is?  

In case you haven't noticed, the media "front runner" doesn't have a stellar track record over the past 100 years! It may be time to ask The Creator, the Giver of LIFE, who HE prefers?  Of course, first we have to acknowledge HE exists!!!!"

My words were only meant to cause people to grasp that ONLY GOD can select the "correct" person to lead us.  To make the choice that is from Heaven, we must live with the servant mindset that only comes from living our lives for JESUS.  John makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that "a person" cannot do "EVEN ONE THING" unless it is given to them from heaven.  Why do we not inquire more of Heaven about the direction our lives, and the direction our nation, is taking?  The GOD Who created the "Heavens and the earth" is ignored as we speed toward damnation and destruction.  Even I get caught up in the pace "this world" is moving in and attempt to change people's hearts and minds when only GOD can change "EVEN ONE THING" about the path we are on. 

There are over 20 references in scripture, including Matthew 24:35, that say Heaven and earth WILL pass away, but the Word of GOD will not pass away!  There is no need to fret or worry as the only thing we can do to change is to turn OUR lives MORE to HIM.  2 Chronicles 7:14 says "If MY people who are called by MY name humble themselves, and pray and seek MY face and turn from THEIR wicked ways, then I will hear FROM heaven and will forgive THEIR SIN and HEAL their land".  GOD's people need to humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, not the pagan's!!!

We can continue trusting in our own intelligence and instincts to select our next leader, or we can humble ourselves and seek HIS face, and turn from OUR wicked ways!  Only GOD can change "EVEN ONE THING" in "this world" and we need to slow down and realize that fact!  

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Matthew 7:6                     (ESV)
""Do not give dogs "WHAT IS HOLY", and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you."

Many times I sit down to open GOD's Word and a message seemingly rolls off of the pages into my mind.  I have been reading over this verse for almost two weeks trying to get out of it just what GOD has for me.  To realize that GOD will REVEAL to us the things HE desires us to know is a humbling thing (John 14:21-31), especially when GOD isn't working on our timeline!  maybe GOD is just wanting me to "You will seek ME and find ME, when you seek ME with ALL YOUR HEART" (Jeremiah 29:13)?  

The WORD OF GOD (John 1:1) is often used to refer to JESUS.  There is nothing more HOLY than GOD, and HE was here in flesh for the world to witness.  Can you imagine being DIETY and coming to live among those who did not believe that YOU nor YOUR FATHER even existed?  Yet HIS purpose was to create an avenue for we who choose to believe in HIM to the throne of a HOLY and righteous GOD.  

Dogs were considered an "unclean" animal in biblical times.  JESUS said to NOT give "WHAT IS HOLY" to those who are "dogs" (unclean) for they are likely to "trample them underfoot and turn TO ATTACK YOU".  Several commentaries refer to "communicating the HOLY WORD of GOD, and the truths of the Gospel, comparable to pearls, or the ordinances of it, to persons notoriously vile and sinful"?  

JESUS is the HOLY WORD of GOD and HE is to be greatly revered!  Lately I have been so convicted about my Bible being HOLY that I respect it more than I used to.  Perhaps we all need to slow our lives down and grasp just WHO JESUS (THE HOLY WORD) is and elevate HIM to HIS proper place?  Being humble may not be as much of a problem if we honor "WHAT IS HOLY"?  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, I humbly acknowledge that JESUS is YOUR SON.  HE is way too valuable to be thrown before, and trampled, by pigs and the like.  Cause me to be ever aware what a privilege and honor to have HIS Spirit abiding (John 17:23) in my life.  When I realize "WHAT IS HOLY" may I be an example of HIS ability to change a life!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


2 Corinthians 12:9-10      (ESV)
"But HE said to me, "MY grace is sufficient for you, for MY power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of CHRIST may rest upon me. For THE SAKE of CHRIST, then, I am CONTENT with weaknesses, insults, HARDSHIPS, persecutions, and CALAMITIES. For "WHEN I AM WEAK", then I am strong."

Most people know, as I talk about it frequently, that in 2007 I experienced a "massive" brain hemorrhage that hospitalized me for 52 days.  Although I have regained full mobility since, the main "deficits" (disabilities) that remain are before the hemorrhage I was hot-natured and since the hemorrhage I am SUBSTANTIALLY cold-natured.  Also, the hemorrhage occurred in a portion of the brain where "word-recall" happens.  One of the reasons I began writing "blogs" was to assist me in developing my ability to FIND WORDS when I needed them.

While in the Rehabilitation Hospital I was assigned a couple of Speech Therapists to help with my "word-recall".  I never could seem to master the tasks assigned by these ladies to regain my ability to select words more fluently, like I "used to have"!  I still have some of the papers I was assigned to develop my ability to select words more readily, but the ability to speak more confidently has remained limited, and I didn't know why.  That is until a few hours ago when reading my Bible before going to bed!

While reading 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 that I have highlighted on my iPad, I noticed WORDS that I must have read hundreds of times before but GOD chose this time to REVEAL things to me.  In 2 Corinthians 12:7, Paul writes "So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, A THORN WAS GIVEN ME IN THE FLESH, a messenger of Satan to harass me, TO KEEP ME FROM BEING CONCEITED".  When I read this I was almost set aback!  

I have repeatedly wondered, even ALLOWED, why my "word-recall" hadn't improved to my former usage.  When I saw 2 Corinthians 12:7 it was if GOD was telling me that Paul wasn't the only one who was KEPT FROM BEING CONCEITED!  As I "was" confident (some say cocky!) in myself, since the hemorrhage I am extremely "not so sure" of myself.  I, too, find that A THORN WAS GIVEN ME IN THE FLESH, TO KEEP ME FROM BEING CONCEITED!  

Even though, AND since, I experienced the brain hemorrhage I have lost a LOT of confidence, I can rest assured that CHRIST has me "WHEN I AM WEAK"!  Knowing that GOD is in TOTAL CONTROL, even of my "word-recall, makes it easier to understand that HE gets glory from my WEAKNESS when the WORDS have to be searched for!  "WHEN I AM WEAK" HE provides the ability to speak WORDS that HE approves of.  Therefore, I will GLORY in the fact that "WHEN I AM WEAK", then I am strong."

GOD gave me this devotional at 1:00AM this morning while "fretting" about something I had espoused over 6 months ago!  A dear friend of mine thought he needed me to stand in his corner but the words I chose didn't measure up to what was deemed necessary to help him.  I apologized profusely, but it didn't seem to matter.  GOD continues to show me that I should be eternally grateful for EVEN the life that has been extended to me!  "WHEN I AM WEAK" could have ceased to be written in 2007, but by HIS grace it continues, even today!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Romans 9:6-13                          (ESV)
"6 But it is not as though the word of GOD has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel,
7 and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but "Through Isaac shall your offspring be named."
8 This means that it is NOT the "children of the flesh" who are the children of GOD, but the "CHILDREN OF THE PROMISE" are counted as offspring.
9 For this is what the promise said: "About this time next year I will return, and Sarah shall have a son."
10 And not only so, but also when Rebekah had conceived children by one man, our forefather Isaac,
11 though they were not yet born AND HAD DONE NOTHING EITHER GOOD OR BAD-in order that GOD's purpose of election might continue, NOT BECAUSE OF WORKS but because of HIM who calls-
12 she was told, "The older will serve the younger."
13 As it is written, "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." 

There are MANY things I don't yet "grasp" about the things of GOD.  I examine many versions of scripture, not so I can find "one I like", rather to see if one better REVEALS what GOD is trying to get across to this unlearned mortal.  Deuteronomy 29:29 in the New Living Translation says "The LORD our GOD has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that HE has REVEALED to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions."  

GOD is more than capable of getting our attention (Exodus 15:26)!  HE spoke to Moses in a burning bush.  HE got my attention about slowing down and listening for HIS guidance with Psalms 46:10.  HE got Pharaoh's attention at the bottom of the Red Sea in Exodus 14!  There are many things of GOD we aren't aware of (1 Corinthians 13:12), but one thing I am certain of is that the "CHILDREN OF THE PROMISE" will INHERIT the Kingdom of GOD (Mark 10:15)!  When a child INHERITS a reward it is simply because of WHO they we born to (JESUS), not because of anything they had done or had the potential of becoming?  

The Pharaoh of Egypt during the book of Exodus had his heart "hardened" by the LORD scripture records at least 10 times.  Why didn't GOD "soften" his heart and prevent the annihilation of the Egyptians in the Red Sea?  Why would a "loving" GOD sentence so many to death and destruction?  

GOD is a "loving" GOD, and HE loved us SO much HE sent HIS SON as a payment for our sins (John 3:16).  But GOD is also a HOLY GOD (Leviticus 11:44; 1 Peter 1:16) and HE can't fellowship with unholy lifestyles.  In reality, those who CHOOSE to live in sin CHOOSE to be separated from GOD.  The "CHILDREN OF THE PROMISE" aren't special or holier than any others, they are simply BORN AGAIN (John 3:3; John 3:7)!  Don't get mesmerized by the "words" used by the enemy.  "Spiritual" children are TOTALLY different from "physical" children.  Spiritual children are "CHILDREN OF THE PROMISE" and being a Spiritual child has EVERLASTING benefits!  

Monday, August 17, 2015


Exodus 11:6-10                             (ESV)
"6 There shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there has NEVER BEEN, NOR EVER WILL BE AGAIN.
7 But not a dog shall growl against any of the people of Israel, either man or beast, that you may know that THE LORD MAKES A DISTINCTION BETWEEN EGYPT AND ISRAEL.'
8 And all these your servants shall come down to me and bow down to me, saying, 'Get out, you and all the people who follow you.' And after that I will go out." And he went out from Pharaoh in hot anger.
9 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Pharaoh will not listen to you, that MY wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt."
10 Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh, and "THE LORD HARDENED PHARAOH'S HEART", and he did not let the people of Israel go out of his land."

Hebrews 10:31 says "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living GOD"!  Pharaoh was, at the time of The Passover, the most powerful ruler known to man.  He, nor the Egyptians, had any reason to be concerned with the Israelites as they were an unskilled people with no military training or instincts.  That the lowly Israelites would be used to glorify GOD would be a precursor to GOD demonstrating HIS Sovereignty over all mankind throughout history.  

That there would be "a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there has NEVER BEEN, NOR EVER WILL BE AGAIN" informs me that GOD was setting up a display of POWER that would be unmatched FOREVER!  Through Moses, GOD spoke that the Israelites would be told to "get out, you and all the people who follow you"!  But in verse 9 of Exodus 11 GOD spoke to Moses "Pharaoh will not listen to you, that MY wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt."  

Was GOD tantalizing the Israelites by making them wait to be set free?  My belief is that GOD was getting the MOST GLORY when "THE LORD HARDENED PHARAOH'S HEART".  The Israelites had to wait 430 years in captivity and I'm sure they were ready to NOT be oppressed any longer than they had to.  But "not a dog shall growl against any of the people of Israel, either MAN or BEAST" so no one had to fight or struggle for their release!  As a matter of fact, when the Israelites were leaving "they plundered the Egyptians" (Exodus 12:37)!  

Keep in mind the Israelites were not fierce, brutal people, but GOD was directing their ways and HE can cause us great success, especially when HE gets all the Glory!  The Israelites had to wait until GOD got all the Praise and Glory for their release, and ultimate entry into the Promised Land.  Whenever we feel like we are being made to linger in oppression and captivity, just remember that "THE LORD HARDENED PHARAOH'S HEART" and HE can orchestrate matters on mine or your behalf!  

Saturday, August 15, 2015

"GOD is sovereign over ALL!"

Psalms 115:1-3                       (KJV)
"1 Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto THY name give glory, for THY mercy, and for THY truth’s sake.
2 Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is now their GOD?
3 But our GOD is in the heavens: HE hath done whatsoever HE hath pleased."

The recent drought in the area I live has caused many problems.  There are those who find themselves wondering when/if it will ever rain again.  Not since July 04, 2015, near my home,  have we had any appreciable rainfall.  My lawn, as well as my neighbors lawns, are almost dried up.  It isn't real difficult to keep a yard kept up when there is little growth. Moisture allows growth, both of grass and weeds!

The Bible says in Matthew 5:45 "for HE maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and SENDETH RAIN ON THE JUST AND ON THE UNJUST"!  To think that FATE or CIRCUMSTANCE controls our destiny might be an argument for some, but to understand that a Sovereign GOD is in control of EVERYTHING (rain included!) gives me comfort when things are difficult to understand!  

Recall, if you will, Exodus 3 when GOD spoke to Moses in a burning bush.  Moses didn't just immediately follow GOD's instructions and inform Pharaoh of GOD's Plan.  Moses had to show his humanity by questioning GOD's Plan.  GOD had to display HIS might to ALL through 10 plagues, leading the Israelites to the specific place of the Red Sea, causing Pharaoh to chase after the Israelites, parting the Red Sea for Israel to cross, drowning the Egyptians when they tried to follow the Israelites, then defeating numerous rival nations on the way to the Promised Land.  And the story was no where near over!

GOD's Word, the Holy Bible, is not just a book of fables and metaphors.  It is The written HIS-Story of what has transpired since creation.  Many have book knowledge and have a perception of what they think has transpired, but I find it more than a coincidence that the word HISTORY is nothing more than HIS-STORY!  GOD is sovereign over ALL, including the words we use to communicate!

Just like HE controls the wind (Mark 4:39), GOD controls every aspect of our lives.  HE may allow us to face turmoil, such as a Red Sea moment, but HE is in control!  In June 2015 we were experiencing severe flooding in our area.  Two months later the drought is causing major problems!  I am the biggest culprit, but don't get real upset about your circumstances, tomorrow will bring new challenges and the next day the same!  GOD is sovereign over ALL!!!

Friday, August 14, 2015


Colossians 3:1-4                            (ESV)
"1 IF THEN YOU have been raised with CHRIST, seek the things that are above, where CHRIST is, seated at the right hand of GOD.
2 "SET YOUR MINDS" on things that are above, NOT ON THINGS THAT ARE ON EARTH.
3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with CHRIST in GOD.
4 When CHRIST who is your life appears, then you also will appear with HIM in glory."

Some people CLAIM today to believe that JESUS CHRIST is the Son of GOD, that HE was sacrificed for their sins on Calvary, and that HE rose victoriously from the grave three days later!     But even I have a tendency to allow the enemy to MANIPULATE MY MIND into attempting to live in his graveyard of defeat and despair.  1 Peter 1:13 tells us "Therefore, PREPARING YOUR MINDS FOR ACTION, and being sober-minded, SET your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the REVELATION of JESUS CHRIST".  Our MINDS are only limited by what is REVEALED to it by the Spirit of the Living GOD (1 Corinthians 2:10-11).  

If our MINDS are a battlefield (Romans 12:2), why do we allow the enemy to set up camp on territory that has already been conquered by JESUS?  A few verses in front of todays text, in Colossians 2:20 (1599 Geneva Bible), Paul writes "Wherefore IF YE BE DEAD with CHRIST from the ordinances of the world, why, as though ye lived in the world, ARE YE BURDENED WITH TRADITIONS?"  Why do we allow man's 'TRADITIONS' to alter what the Spirit of GOD is directing us to accomplish?  Why do I limit what GOD can do by what mankind THINKS HE can perform when JESUS said in Mark 9:23 "ALL THINGS are possible for one who believes." 

We are called to "SET YOUR MINDS" on things that are above, not on things that are on earth!  "SETTING YOUR MIND" makes me think of 'focusing on nothing else'.  We have to intentionally "SET YOUR MINDS" on things that are above, not on things that are of "this world".  When JESUS said in Mark 9:23 that "ALL THINGS are possible" did HE include things of this world?  JESUS later said in the latter verses of Mark 9 that this faith comes ONLY by prayer and fasting!  Prayer and fasting means I have to give up something to accomplish Heavenly results, much like JESUS had to give up HIS THRONE in Heaven to redeem my soul from certain death!  

It is often said that Salvation is free.  Salvation may be free, but it cost JESUS HIS life (2 Corinthians 8:9).  When you "SET YOUR MINDS" on the cost paid for our transgressions it humbles and baffles the MIND!  GOD's grace is so far above anything we can comprehend.  Our MINDS cannot grasp anything so vast.  We must be like the man in Mark 9 and say "help thou my unbelief" and "SET YOUR MINDS" on things above!  In Philippians 4:7 Paul writes the the peace of GOD will guard your "hearts and MINDS"!  Trust in HIM as you "SET YOUR MINDS" on things above!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2015


James 1:19-27                   (ESV)
"19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, SLOW TO SPEAK, slow to anger;
20 for the anger of man does NOT produce the righteousness of GOD.
21 Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
22 But be DOERS of THE WORD, and NOT HEARERS ONLY, deceiving yourselves.
23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror.
24 For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.
25 But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a DOER who ACTS, "HE WILL BE BLESSED" in his doing.
26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.
27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before GOD, the FATHER, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to KEEP ONE UNSTAINED FROM THE WORLD."

There are some who "say" that GOD doesn't exist!  They would like for us to believe that the world evolved from nothing and mankind is only one step in this evolution.  The enemy would prefer to keep our lives moving at such a pace that we don't THINK we have time to recognize GOD, or the things of GOD!  But when man tries to assist GOD by doing what we THINK would help HIM, it generally only interferes with HIS Plan!  It seems I am CONSTANTLY being led to slow my life down lately.  How many times do I half-heartedly skim over a few scriptures trying to honor GOD with my commitment to HIM, with no intent of changing my life to become more like HIM?  Getting to where I am going seems to be more important to me than seeing what GOD has planned for my life!  It seems I want to LIVE life before getting my instructions?

In Luke 2:1-22 scripture records the physical entrance of "this world" of GOD IN FLESH.  The WHOLE WORLD was "abuzz" as Caeser Augustus had ordered everyone to be "registered"!  JESUS, the SON of GOD, was relegated to being physically born in a cattle stall in Bethlehem because everyone was SO BUSY!  We all want to be successful in what we are called to do.  For instance, all farmers expect some return on the seeds they plant.  Maybe we just want to win one more game?  Or sale one more car?  My "trade" is selling insurance and all insurance agents want to sell one more policy, to make a little more money!   

When GOD is allowed to act in our lives, and we await HIS instruction and guidance in what we should be doing, then "HE WILL BE BLESSED" who has hearkened unto HIM.  A hearer of the Word and not a doer of the Word "forgets"!  But one who practices what he has heard becomes a DOER of the Word And "HE WILL BE BLESSED" in his doing!  

GOD is searching for those "who will humble themselves" to be used by HIM to accomplish HIS plan for their lives.  HIS path for me may have some unforeseen difficulties but this is not our destination (Hebrews 13:12-16), only a place to be used of HIM for HIS glory!  "HE WILL BE BLESSED" is not about having an easy time of things, but a GOD GLORIFYING life!  

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Ephesians 6:10-13                     (ESV)
"10 Finally, be strong in the LORD and in the strength of HIS might.
11 Put on the whole armor of GOD, that you may be able to stand against "THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL".
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of GOD, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm."

Many times, more than I like to admit, I am driven to Ephesians 6 to review the Apostle Paul's writings alerting us to be on guard for the enemy attacking us "in the evil day"!  Anxiety, depression, and frustration are just a few of the tools the enemy uses on me to get my focus off of serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  Things go a little haywire at the office, the vehicle breaks down on a busy roadway, or maybe a medical report shakes us to our core, and our focus is centered on something other than the ONE it should be on!

In Matthew 8:23-27 the disciples were with JESUS in a boat headed "to the other side"!  But on their journey a storm came up and FEAR gripped the disciples.  JESUS had already told them they were going "to the other side", but the storm got their attention and they were focused on it rather than where they were going, or more importantly, WHO they were with!  In the boat with them was the Son of the Living GOD, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, yet they were focused on a storm!  In Matthew 8:26 JESUS tells them "And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?" Then HE rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm". It seems so weak that the disciples would neglect WHO they were with, instead focusing on the circumstances they found themselves in?

But don't I do the same thing?  Something unexpected (a storm) presents itself to me and I think my whole world is coming to an end!  Circumstances and perils are merely opportunities for GOD to display HIS sovereignty to and through us.  "THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL" are sometimes camouflaged to look like a storm when JESUS is with us in the boat all the time!  The waves may be crashing into our boat, but the ONE who makes the wind determines how big the waves can become.  

"THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL" are nothing more than tactics from a defeated foe!  It took the Blood of JESUS to overcome the enemy at Calvary.  JESUS lives inside of me (John 17:23) so HE is as near to me as HE was the disciples in the boat. The storm cannot do anything to the Creator of the storm!  Keeping my focus on HIS Victory rather than "THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL" will assure me of living a victorious life!  

Friday, August 7, 2015


Philippians 2:1-11                  (ESV)
"1 So if there is any encouragement in CHRIST, any comfort from love, any participation in the SPIRIT, any affection and sympathy,
2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.
3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in CHRIST JESUS,
6 who, though HE was in the form of GOD, did not count equality with GOD a thing to be grasped,
7 but emptied HIMSELF, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
8 And being found in human form, "HE HUMBLED HIMSELF" by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
9 Therefore GOD has highly exalted HIM and bestowed on HIM the name that is above every name,
10 so that at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of GOD the FATHER.

Just WHO is GOD?  Some humankind claims to know GOD in a personal relationship, but they can't describe the vastness nor majesty of HIS being!  Even in writing this devotional today, time constraints and my limited vocabulary prevent me from adequately putting into words HIS MAJESTY!  How BIG GOD is, how LOVING GOD is, how FORGIVING GOD is, how WISE GOD is....there is no way to describe GOD, and yet GOD lives in my heart!  

We don't (and maybe I should use the word "can't") REALLY appreciate WHO GOD is or we wouldn't have a problem submitting ourselves to HIM!  To realize that we are merely a Creation of GOD, and yet "we think" we can circumvent GOD with what "we think" is best for us is a pretty big order!  When we SLOW DOWN enough to really grasp the MAJESTY and MAGNITUDE of a HOLY GOD it can shake our beings!  King David must have gotten a glimpse of GOD's MAJESTY when he wrote Psalms 46:10, "BE STILL, and KNOW that I AM GOD"!!

JESUS "emptied HIMSELF", readily gave up being a part of the GODHEAD, to become a servant for me (and you) to provide redemption for all before GOD the FATHER.  You see, GOD is HOLY and we are not, and the only way we can enter into HIS presence is to be HOLY.  JESUS knew the path HE would have to walk would not be what we would consider enjoyable, but "HE HUMBLED HIMSELF" to redeem me.  How can there be any doubt about GOD loving us when JESUS, not only left HIS throne, but suffered death on a cross for me?  

There is a video that has been produced that shows the planet earth compared to other heavenly bodies that are known to mankind.  To comprehend the vastness of GOD (HE holds the universes in HIS hand according to Isaiah 48:12-22) one has to understand how much HE controls (Colossians 1:17) through JESUS!  And yet in JESUS "HE HUMBLED HIMSELF" on my behalf to provide redemption for my soul.  Why should I allow myself to be humbled before others? Because "HE HUMBLED HIMSELF" for me!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Jeremiah 17:10-11                            (ESV)
"10 "I THE LORD SEARCH THE HEART" and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds." 
11 Like the partridge that gathers a brood that she did not hatch, so is he who gets riches but not by justice; in the midst of his days they will leave him, and at his end he will be a fool!"

Reading about many people who are now broke after winning a lottery, or some other get rich quick scheme, the scripture above causes me to ponder the benefits of great wealth.  We like to say the LORD GOD is in control of everything.  But how many want to give GOD glory and praise for living in the "poor house" and scraping by to make ends meet?  How many glorify GOD when their health drives them to "the valley of the shadow of death"?  

GOD is a merciful GOD, as my life testifies of!  Yet GOD is also a "just" GOD who brings (causes, allows, or permits) those things we may see as bad into our lives to shape and mold our minds and thoughts.  Some minds and thoughts are so set on the things of "this world" that they can't foster a sense of allowing the things of GOD to enter into their lives!  When GOD gets our attention (Exodus 3, Exodus 14, Psalms 78:34, Acts 9:1-19, among MANY other verses....) HE reveals to us things that HE can use to glorify HIS name to mankind.  And HE "knows" who will glorify HIM.

Eight years ago I was recovering from a brain hemorrhage.  Many have heard the story, but only GOD deserves to receive glory and praise for restoring my health.  If I had $100 Million dollars in the bank and my health had not improved from eight years ago, the money would not have made much difference in my life!  GOD had to 'get my attention' to get me on a path to seek HIM in everything I did (Jeremiah 29:13)!  

The scripture above states "I THE LORD SEARCH THE HEART" and test the mind, not "IF" I the LORD search the heart!  GOD knows my heart and HE knows that I am honest when I say that I feel HIS WORK is the only reason HE so miraculously healed me.  I may not be blessed with great wealth, but my testimony of deliverance is a wealth that can never be taken from me.  To know GOD cared enough about me to intervene in my life is a wonderful feeling.  To know GOD so loved THE ENTIRE WORLD (John 3:16) is almost unthinkable!  "I THE LORD SEARCH THE HEART" and HE knows my words are not spoken in eloquence, rather in true testimony of how I feel!  GOD IS ALIVE AND REAL!!!