Saturday, August 15, 2015

"GOD is sovereign over ALL!"

Psalms 115:1-3                       (KJV)
"1 Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto THY name give glory, for THY mercy, and for THY truth’s sake.
2 Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is now their GOD?
3 But our GOD is in the heavens: HE hath done whatsoever HE hath pleased."

The recent drought in the area I live has caused many problems.  There are those who find themselves wondering when/if it will ever rain again.  Not since July 04, 2015, near my home,  have we had any appreciable rainfall.  My lawn, as well as my neighbors lawns, are almost dried up.  It isn't real difficult to keep a yard kept up when there is little growth. Moisture allows growth, both of grass and weeds!

The Bible says in Matthew 5:45 "for HE maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and SENDETH RAIN ON THE JUST AND ON THE UNJUST"!  To think that FATE or CIRCUMSTANCE controls our destiny might be an argument for some, but to understand that a Sovereign GOD is in control of EVERYTHING (rain included!) gives me comfort when things are difficult to understand!  

Recall, if you will, Exodus 3 when GOD spoke to Moses in a burning bush.  Moses didn't just immediately follow GOD's instructions and inform Pharaoh of GOD's Plan.  Moses had to show his humanity by questioning GOD's Plan.  GOD had to display HIS might to ALL through 10 plagues, leading the Israelites to the specific place of the Red Sea, causing Pharaoh to chase after the Israelites, parting the Red Sea for Israel to cross, drowning the Egyptians when they tried to follow the Israelites, then defeating numerous rival nations on the way to the Promised Land.  And the story was no where near over!

GOD's Word, the Holy Bible, is not just a book of fables and metaphors.  It is The written HIS-Story of what has transpired since creation.  Many have book knowledge and have a perception of what they think has transpired, but I find it more than a coincidence that the word HISTORY is nothing more than HIS-STORY!  GOD is sovereign over ALL, including the words we use to communicate!

Just like HE controls the wind (Mark 4:39), GOD controls every aspect of our lives.  HE may allow us to face turmoil, such as a Red Sea moment, but HE is in control!  In June 2015 we were experiencing severe flooding in our area.  Two months later the drought is causing major problems!  I am the biggest culprit, but don't get real upset about your circumstances, tomorrow will bring new challenges and the next day the same!  GOD is sovereign over ALL!!!

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