Thursday, August 6, 2015


Jeremiah 17:10-11                            (ESV)
"10 "I THE LORD SEARCH THE HEART" and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds." 
11 Like the partridge that gathers a brood that she did not hatch, so is he who gets riches but not by justice; in the midst of his days they will leave him, and at his end he will be a fool!"

Reading about many people who are now broke after winning a lottery, or some other get rich quick scheme, the scripture above causes me to ponder the benefits of great wealth.  We like to say the LORD GOD is in control of everything.  But how many want to give GOD glory and praise for living in the "poor house" and scraping by to make ends meet?  How many glorify GOD when their health drives them to "the valley of the shadow of death"?  

GOD is a merciful GOD, as my life testifies of!  Yet GOD is also a "just" GOD who brings (causes, allows, or permits) those things we may see as bad into our lives to shape and mold our minds and thoughts.  Some minds and thoughts are so set on the things of "this world" that they can't foster a sense of allowing the things of GOD to enter into their lives!  When GOD gets our attention (Exodus 3, Exodus 14, Psalms 78:34, Acts 9:1-19, among MANY other verses....) HE reveals to us things that HE can use to glorify HIS name to mankind.  And HE "knows" who will glorify HIM.

Eight years ago I was recovering from a brain hemorrhage.  Many have heard the story, but only GOD deserves to receive glory and praise for restoring my health.  If I had $100 Million dollars in the bank and my health had not improved from eight years ago, the money would not have made much difference in my life!  GOD had to 'get my attention' to get me on a path to seek HIM in everything I did (Jeremiah 29:13)!  

The scripture above states "I THE LORD SEARCH THE HEART" and test the mind, not "IF" I the LORD search the heart!  GOD knows my heart and HE knows that I am honest when I say that I feel HIS WORK is the only reason HE so miraculously healed me.  I may not be blessed with great wealth, but my testimony of deliverance is a wealth that can never be taken from me.  To know GOD cared enough about me to intervene in my life is a wonderful feeling.  To know GOD so loved THE ENTIRE WORLD (John 3:16) is almost unthinkable!  "I THE LORD SEARCH THE HEART" and HE knows my words are not spoken in eloquence, rather in true testimony of how I feel!  GOD IS ALIVE AND REAL!!!

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