Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Ephesians 6:10-13                     (ESV)
"10 Finally, be strong in the LORD and in the strength of HIS might.
11 Put on the whole armor of GOD, that you may be able to stand against "THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL".
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of GOD, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm."

Many times, more than I like to admit, I am driven to Ephesians 6 to review the Apostle Paul's writings alerting us to be on guard for the enemy attacking us "in the evil day"!  Anxiety, depression, and frustration are just a few of the tools the enemy uses on me to get my focus off of serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  Things go a little haywire at the office, the vehicle breaks down on a busy roadway, or maybe a medical report shakes us to our core, and our focus is centered on something other than the ONE it should be on!

In Matthew 8:23-27 the disciples were with JESUS in a boat headed "to the other side"!  But on their journey a storm came up and FEAR gripped the disciples.  JESUS had already told them they were going "to the other side", but the storm got their attention and they were focused on it rather than where they were going, or more importantly, WHO they were with!  In the boat with them was the Son of the Living GOD, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, yet they were focused on a storm!  In Matthew 8:26 JESUS tells them "And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?" Then HE rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm". It seems so weak that the disciples would neglect WHO they were with, instead focusing on the circumstances they found themselves in?

But don't I do the same thing?  Something unexpected (a storm) presents itself to me and I think my whole world is coming to an end!  Circumstances and perils are merely opportunities for GOD to display HIS sovereignty to and through us.  "THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL" are sometimes camouflaged to look like a storm when JESUS is with us in the boat all the time!  The waves may be crashing into our boat, but the ONE who makes the wind determines how big the waves can become.  

"THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL" are nothing more than tactics from a defeated foe!  It took the Blood of JESUS to overcome the enemy at Calvary.  JESUS lives inside of me (John 17:23) so HE is as near to me as HE was the disciples in the boat. The storm cannot do anything to the Creator of the storm!  Keeping my focus on HIS Victory rather than "THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL" will assure me of living a victorious life!  


  1. So true ray . So many times I have found myself in storm and focus on it more than Jesus. Thanks for sharing

  2. So true ray . So many times I have found myself in storm and focus on it more than Jesus. Thanks for sharing
