Monday, August 31, 2015


"People believe in the Bible (that is it's literacy), but not the GOD of the Bible and the reality of HIS is-ness! (Heb.11:6)."  Bishop Robert E. Smith, Sr. --- Facebook comment 08/31/2015

"And without faith it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must "BELIEVE THAT HE EXISTS" AND THAT HE REWARDS THOSE WHO SEEK HIM." - Hebrews 11:6 (ESV)

Bishop, the Spirit of GOD has been dealing with me lately about this very subject....acknowledging GOD for what HE is, what HE has done, what HE can do, and what HIS Word says HE is going to do!  Let alone what others believe, if 'I TRULY' exhibited that I believe that GOD is on HIS throne AND was in CONTROL, why should I worry?  

The enemy may be cornering me near a Red Sea in my life, but the same GOD who parted the Red Sea for the Children of Israel is in CONTROL!  Why should I be concerned?  Why should I fret?  When you SLOW DOWN (the enemy loves to get us so busy that we don't recognize WHO GOD is!) and remember that GOD is the ONE Who created everything, and HE loves us SOOO much HE sent HIS SON as a sacrifice for our atonement, we should REJOICE EVERMORE (Thessalonians 5:16)!  

C.S. Lewis offered a quote that has been instrumental in changing my life.  He said "You don't have a Soul.  You ARE a Soul.  You have a body"!   Allowing the enemy to masquerade himself as keeping us "too busy" to follow the ONE Who created everything could be one of the most absurd things mankind has ever fallen for!  Our GOD desires, AND DESERVES, our praise, reverence, and adoration!  GOD didn't only inspire HIS Word (The HOLY BIBLE), we must "BELIEVE THAT HE EXISTS"!!!

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