Thursday, August 20, 2015


Matthew 7:6                     (ESV)
""Do not give dogs "WHAT IS HOLY", and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you."

Many times I sit down to open GOD's Word and a message seemingly rolls off of the pages into my mind.  I have been reading over this verse for almost two weeks trying to get out of it just what GOD has for me.  To realize that GOD will REVEAL to us the things HE desires us to know is a humbling thing (John 14:21-31), especially when GOD isn't working on our timeline!  maybe GOD is just wanting me to "You will seek ME and find ME, when you seek ME with ALL YOUR HEART" (Jeremiah 29:13)?  

The WORD OF GOD (John 1:1) is often used to refer to JESUS.  There is nothing more HOLY than GOD, and HE was here in flesh for the world to witness.  Can you imagine being DIETY and coming to live among those who did not believe that YOU nor YOUR FATHER even existed?  Yet HIS purpose was to create an avenue for we who choose to believe in HIM to the throne of a HOLY and righteous GOD.  

Dogs were considered an "unclean" animal in biblical times.  JESUS said to NOT give "WHAT IS HOLY" to those who are "dogs" (unclean) for they are likely to "trample them underfoot and turn TO ATTACK YOU".  Several commentaries refer to "communicating the HOLY WORD of GOD, and the truths of the Gospel, comparable to pearls, or the ordinances of it, to persons notoriously vile and sinful"?  

JESUS is the HOLY WORD of GOD and HE is to be greatly revered!  Lately I have been so convicted about my Bible being HOLY that I respect it more than I used to.  Perhaps we all need to slow our lives down and grasp just WHO JESUS (THE HOLY WORD) is and elevate HIM to HIS proper place?  Being humble may not be as much of a problem if we honor "WHAT IS HOLY"?  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, I humbly acknowledge that JESUS is YOUR SON.  HE is way too valuable to be thrown before, and trampled, by pigs and the like.  Cause me to be ever aware what a privilege and honor to have HIS Spirit abiding (John 17:23) in my life.  When I realize "WHAT IS HOLY" may I be an example of HIS ability to change a life!

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