Monday, February 20, 2017

"GOD is Spirit!"

John 4:23-24                    (ESV)
"23 But the hour is coming, AND NOW IS HERE, when the true worshipers will worship the FATHER in Spirit and Truth, for the FATHER is seeking such people to worship HIM.
24 GOD is Spirit, and those who worship HIM must worship in Spirit and Truth."

"We should allow prayer back in schools" is a popular battle cry that the church is allowing "this world" to think they have taken away from us.  The only reason that Believers in the TRUE and LIVING GOD are hampered by the enemy is because it is allowing itself to be enslaved.   John 4:24 says "GOD is Spirit"!  Since "GOD is Sprit", man cannot limit what/how HE is worshipped.  Only a spirit can do that.

The sad testimony is that there are many pastors and so-called men of God who are at the forefront of the crowd saying "We should allow prayer back in schools".  People, we must realize WHO we are in JESUS CHRIST and fulfill our role we have been left in earth to fulfill.   GOD did not Call us out of darkness to remain in darkness.  HE called us out of darkness to be a Light that shines in darkness for HIS Glory!

We are children of the Most High GOD and it's high time we began acting like it.  Growing up(and sadly into my adult life), my temperament was extremely hot-headed.  That was from my earthly father.  My Heavenly FATHER instilled traits in me that I have not been real diligent about showing and sharing.  "GOD is Spirit" and I will reflect that with the remainder of my earthly life!

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