Thursday, February 2, 2017


Matthew 6:24                   (ESV)
""NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS", for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve GOD and money."

A lot of my friends are Believers in JESUS CHRIST being GOD in the flesh WHO came to earth and was crucified as a Sacrifice for my sins, and the sins of every person from Adam until THE END!  Some of my friends seem to live with the mentality that they aren't "that bad" and they don't really have time to worry about Heaven or eternity?  But when will they have time???

My next birthday I will be 57 years old.  I spent my 47th birthday in a Rehab Hospital recovering from a near fatal Brain Hemorrhage.  When I went to bed July 08, 2007 I had no idea what lie ahead for me in a few short hours!  And to be honest, I was probably trying to serve two masters, doing what "I THOUGHT" was the right thing to do, instead of what GOD was leading me to do.  I was operating at a pace that didn't allow for GOD's intervention, on for GOD to bail me out when I messed things up so badly that I was in trouble!

There are more times than I care to admit over the past 10 years that GOD has shown me "NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS"!  You can be your own master and die and go STRAIGHT TO HELL!  You are either listening to GOD, or you are listening to the enemy.  He is so crafty (Genesis 3:1) that you will not even know he is around, and you will be following him!

PLEASE BE AWARE, this life is VERY TEMPORAL!  "NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS" and NOW is the time to choose.  Either you will love GOD and hate "this world", or vice versa?  "NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS"

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