Wednesday, February 1, 2017

"IN ME!"

John 17:20-23                      (ESV)
"20 "I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe "IN ME" through their WORD,
21 that they may all be ONE, just as YOU, FATHER, are "IN ME", and I in YOU, that they also may be in US, so that the world may believe that YOU have sent ME.
22 The glory that YOU have given ME I have given to them, that they may be one even as WE are ONE,
23 I in them and YOU in ME, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that YOU sent ME and loved them even as you loved ME."

Over 30 years ago I was driving home from seeing a family member and I was stopped by a State Trooper and issued a citation for speeding.  Not knowing as many people as I do now, I went ahead and paid the speeding citation.  Another time I was driving home and a State Trooper wrecked in front of me and I was able to stop and render aid for him.  It turns out he was a Sergeant over a few State Troopers.  I've not paid many citations since, as "the connections" I now have is more intimate and sincere and can help me when I am in need. I didn't help the Sergeant because he would be able to help me.  I helped him because he was in need and I was in a position to assist.  Knowing who he is now has changed the outcome of a few traffic stops.

Knowing who we are "IN ME" (CHRIST) should elevate us beyond worries and doubts.  But we (mainly I) constantly live in disbelief that JESUS and HIS FATHER are able to provide our needs and settle for living short of what HE could provide for us IF WE BELIEVED!  GOD has never been beaten by the enemy when HIS followers actually believed that HE would deliver them.   Occasionally HE delivers when HIS followers DON'T believe (i.e...Red Sea) and HE will gain Glory from HIS Works.  If only we believed in HIM providing for HIS children, on HIS timetable, to fulfill HIS Plan, we might see a lot more Miracles than we do???

FATHER IN HEAVEN, forgive me for doubting YOUR provision and not truly believing in YOUR Plan.  Cause me to remember daily WHO I am "IN ME"!  Surely, since YOU are "IN ME" (CHRIST) and HE is in us, we cannot be conquered by "this world"!  Cause me to forever be mindful that YOU are "IN ME" (CHRIST) and HE is "IN ME"!!

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