Thursday, February 9, 2017


1 Corinthians 6:19-20                                            (ESV)
"19 Or do you not know that your body is a "TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" within you, whom you have from GOD? You are not your own,
20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify GOD in your body."

Almost continually it seems I observe people being compared to another human in an attempt to determine if that person is good or bad?  Their claims are that another human being is wiser, wealthier, in better health, or any other description we can use to make someone with "flesh" be revered as something they really are not!

Why do we settle for comparing ourselves to someone/something that is flawed and imperfect when we all have the opportunity to allow the HOLY SPIRIT to reside inside of us?  And why do we compare fellow Believers with other humans who don't have the  "TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" tabernacling inside their bodies?  When we are BORN AGAIN, we  surrender our lives to the HOLY SPIRIT and it leads and guides us in our

But what happens when Believers either don't know, or forget who they are in JESUS CHRIST, and get off course by making choices that don't honor the CREATOR?  Have you ever seen a boat with no sail nor guidance system try to navigate on open waters?  When we attempt to make it through life with no navigation system, we resemble the rudderless boat.  We can be blown out of one storm into another storm with reckless abandonment showing no hope of ever being on smooth seas.

It is vitally important for us to REMEMBER "You are NOT your own" and that our bodies are the "TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT"!  When I begin putting that extra piece of cake in my already overweight body, I need to remember that this "TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" probably doesn't need that!  When I am tempted to give someone my opinion, the "TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" may not be behind them hearing from me?  Since I am NOT my own, I don't get to say or do what "I want"!  This body is the "TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT", and it would do me well to remember that!!!

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