Friday, February 3, 2017


1 Peter 5:6-7                        (ESV)
"6 "HUMBLE YOURSELVES", therefore, under the mighty hand of GOD so that at the proper time HE may exalt you,
7 casting all your anxieties on HIM, because HE cares for you."

It is very interesting that this scripture suggests that we "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" rather than ask GOD to do it for us?  GOD is more than capable of doing an awesome job of making us "HUMBLE OURSELVES"!   There are many instances where different people in the Bible have been HUMBLED by the LORD, and HE can be extremely creative with HIS methods.

When you back away and consider GOD's abilities, HE only had to SPEAK and the Heavens and earth came into being.  HE can certainly take care of something as minor as humbling a servant who has too lofty a view of himself!  HE controls the winds and seas, I'm sure HE can imagine circumstances to "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" whenever HE chooses?

Of course, then scripture states "So at the proper time HE may exalt you."  My problem has always been I want to decide when the proper time was!  And I want to decide how much I should be exalted?  If you let HIM exalt you, the process will always be at the proper time and HE will get the Glory from the exaltation.

"Because HE cares for you" and your wellbeing is comforting, but first we must "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" before the mighty hand of GOD, because we don't want HIM having to do it for us!!!

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