Tuesday, October 31, 2017

“HIS Plan!”

Genesis 3:1-7                                 (ESV)
“1 Now the serpent was more crafty (sly, tricky, deceitful) than any other beast of the field that the LORD GOD had made. He said to the woman, "Did GOD actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?" 
2 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden,
3 but GOD said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'"
4 But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die.
5 For GOD knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like GOD, knowing good and evil."
6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.
7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.”

While “this world” continues to spiral into a cesspool of degradation, most cannot SEE the depths of despair because we are too busy trying to keep up with society.  One of the enemy’s most effective tools is keeping us so caught up with the pace of the modern “world” and the deception it brings.  

In a synopsis, Matthew 24:9-14 says that all kind of bad things are coming and that “...lawlessness will increase....”!   As we move further forward the end of GODs Plan, we SEE this is exactly what is happening.  The “darkness” is becoming so severe that calamity is inevitable, and we are moving too fast to even acknowledge it.  

Scripture says in Daniel 12:4b “....MANY SHALL RUN TO AND FRO, and KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE."  The enemy has “deceived” and “schemed” since Genesis 3:1, and he may convince some that mankind is progressing as we increase our “knowledge”.  But mankind continues to refrain from TRUSTING IN GOD and relying on our own abilities to sustain us from the evil one.  

When will people admit that ALMIGHTY GOD is in control and HIS Plan WILL BE completed!  We can have our plans and efforts, but there is NO WAY we can improve, or perfect, HIS Plan.  The enemy has been trying to circumvent HIS Plan since being expelled from Heaven, but has miserably failed.  Don’t be surprised that things are continuing to worsen, HIS WORD says they will, rather rejoice in the fact that we serve HIM and HE IS IN CONTROL!!!

Monday, October 23, 2017


Romans 4:13                             (ESV)
“13 For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the “RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH.”

“GOD continually amazes me with HIS provision.......not of what we want, but of what HE sees that we need!   🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻”.   This was a Word I shared this morning with a friend of mine who is going through a “Divinely appointed” experience.   The description of “Divinely appointed” is used to better say that GOD has a Path for each of our lives that we sometimes don’t understand, but that can be used to draw Glory and Honor to HIS Name.    

The path we travel over our lives is generally not one that we would have planned out “from the beginning”!  But then again, neither would have Moses, nor King David, nor Saul/Paul, nor any other human who has ever lived.  We adjust our habits based on the lessons we learn from prior mistakes, KNOWING that ALMIGHTY GOD is in control and HE is molding us into vessels that will bring Honor and Glory to HIM.   

GOD doesn’t bring results in “hopes” that HE will be glorified in the end.  In Exodus 14:4 scripture records “......and I WILL GET GLORY over Pharaoh and all his hosts...”!  GOD had already changed Pharaoh’s heart to allow the children of Israel to be released from captivity, and then GOD changed Pharaoh’s heart again to make him pursue the Israelites to the Red Sea.   HE had a Plan and HE didn’t mind changing a few hearts for HIM to be glorified in the end.  

The nation that Abraham fathered wasn’t chosen because they were simply Abraham’s descendants, but because Abraham BELIEVED GOD and lived for HIM, just as we do today.  Abraham”s FAITH, and our FAITH, that GOD is WHO HE says HE is separates us from those who deny that ALMIGHTY GOD is.  Because we KNOW WHO HE is, we are compelled to live our lives in a manner that HE will be Glorified by our actions.  The “RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH” should be something that we don’t have to try to achieve, rather because of our relationship with HIM we simply produce.   HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to exemplify a “RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH” with everything I do in my life!!!

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Psalms 119:105                               (ESV)
“YOUR word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Psalms 119:11                                  (ESV)
“I have stored up your YOUR in my heart, that I might not sin against YOU.”

It might be difficult for HIS light to illuminate our paths and to keep us from sinning against HIM if we are too busy to spend much time with HIM studying HIS Word?  Just a conviction that I will meditate this morning!

Friday, October 20, 2017


Ephesians 2:13-18                         (KJV)
13 But now in CHRIST JESUS ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of CHRIST. 14 For HE is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath ”BROKEN DOWN” the middle wall of partition between us; 15 Having abolished in HIS flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in HIMSELF of twain ONE NEW MAN, so MAKING PEACE; 16 And that HE might reconcile both unto GOD in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: 17 And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. 18 For through HIM we both have access by one SPIRIT unto the FATHER.”

There are many people who can’t recognize the divide that “this world” continues to accentuate between races because they haven’t had a revelation about the work CHRIST JESUS performed on the cross for ALL mankind.   In Genesis chapters 10 & 11, GOD confused the language of the earth and “dispersed” the people all over the face of the earth.  It is better understood through the SLOW AND DELIBERATE reading of the book  Elimination of Erroneous Distinctions in CHRIST by Bishop Robert E. Smith that GOD caused this division to further display our need to depend solely upon JESUS CHRIST for our “needs”!!

Below are some excerpts from the aforementioned book that you can receive simply by requesting one from the writer of this devotional.   

Elimination of Erroneous Distinctions In Christ:

Preface page: Reading (and absorbing) this book will require a PRAYERFUL SPIRIT and an OPEN MIND.  

Preface page: To interpret the problems of racism, class, sexism, and the like as merely psychological, sociological, or even demonic is to fall short of the truth.   The truth is that JESUS CHRIST is more than a Savior.  HE is the embodiment of GOD’s eternal Plan for man.  (SPIRITUAL)!  

(page 16) GOD divided man and confused their language until they were forced to abandon their great objective. 

(page 16) HE divided their language and they were scattered over the face of all the earth.  This was a divine judgement.  Differing languages constitutes divine judgement, not satanic judgement.  The devil could not do this. GOD did it all at once. 

It is clear to me that CHRIST JESUS has BROKEN DOWN the middle wall of partition between us , therefore making ONE NEW MAN and eliminating the discord that naturally existed between prior to HIM.  We CANNOT institute government programs, nor private efforts, even church activities striving to COMPLETE what only JESUS CHRIST has divinely done over 2,000 years ago.  

Don’t allow the enemy to continue to promulgate his deception that our racial, class warfare, and sexism can be “fixed” outside of JESUS CHRIST.  Admitting that JESUS CHRIST is the answer to the “problems” that face man is precisely what the enemy doesn’t want to admit.  The fact that JESUS has “BROKEN DOWN” the barriers between man (racial, class, and sexism) is plain to SEE, if it has been REVEALED to you.   Can you SEE???

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Colossians 2:9-10                          (ESV)
"9 For “IN HIM” the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily,
10 and you have been filled ”IN HIM”, WHO is the head of all rule and authority.”

The greatest mistake that all of us make, to some degree, is limiting what we think GOD can accomplish.   We always seem to think our input is needed to make things complete.  In reality, we simply need to have the FAITH HE can do something and get out of HIS Way!  Exodus 14:14 (ESV) says “The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."  

One of the greatest miracles I have ever experienced was in 2007.  Of course, that was when my Brain Hemorrhaged and I was hospitalized for 52 days.  There are no memories of the doctors consulting with me about how best to treat my condition.  My wife was the one who notified my personal doctor at 5:45AM, and all I did was respond to him.  With my limited wisdom, I would have certainly messed this great event up had I been given the opportunity.   Instead they put me in a drug induced coma for 17 days,  and after 52 days of hospitalization, I was released to re-enter this rat race known as LIFE! 

GOD ALMIGHTY didn’t need my input to get me through “the valley of the shadow of death”, but HE doesn’t require me to help HIM with anything!  It seems our nature is to try and “do things” for the KINGDOM, but in Exodus 14 HE parted the Red Sea all by HIMSELF, without any man made interventions!  At least in my life, it seems that when I get out of the picture, where I stop trying to share HIS Glory, that is when HE does the IMPOSSIBLE!     

The NKJV version says verse 10 like this, “And you are complete in HIM, WHO is the head of all principality and power.”  There is nothing to add to being COMPLETE!  We, most especially I, don’t need to try and do anything “for the KINGDOM”!  All I can do is to enjoy the work HE has completed, “IN HIM”!!!

Monday, October 16, 2017


Luke 24:28-35                                             (ESV)
"28 So they drew near to the village to which they were going. HE acted as if he were going farther,
29 but they urged HIM strongly, saying, "Stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day is now far spent." So HE went in to stay with them.
30 When HE was at table with them, HE took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them.
31 And their "EYES WERE OPENED", and they recognized HIM. And HE vanished from their sight.
32 They said to each other, "Did not our hearts burn within us while HE talked to us on the road, while HE opened to us the Scriptures?"
33 And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together,
34 saying, "The LORD has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!"
35 Then they told what had happened on the road, and how HE was known to them in the breaking of the bread."

The words THEY, US, THEIR, THEM and US are just some of the words used to depict the two CHOSEN who were on the Emmaus Road.  Apparently they weren't part of the original twelve disciples, but were followers of JESUS, or at least they were until HIS crucifixion.  Now it appears their belief that HE "was the one to redeem Israel" (v21) has been dashed!  JESUS had been crucified, and not just killed, but brutally tortured and then sacrificed for the sins of ALL mankind!  These two were walking on a road that led to Emmaus, but soon their Belief System, and their lives, would be catastrophically changed.

"JESUS HIMSELF drew near and went with them" (v15), "But THEIR EYES were kept from recognizing HIM"!  Even though the SON of GOD was right in front of their eyes, they didn't recognize HIM.  HE had been in their presence for 33 years, but they couldn't SEE HIM unless their "EYES WERE OPENED"!  

Sometimes our vision is clouded by our circumstances and surroundings.  We can't SEE blessings that GOD may have prepared for us for the busyness and problems that the enemy keeps our eyesight focused on.  Not just because Psalms 46:10 calls for us to "BE STILL", but the enemy has made it one of his most effective tools to get our world spinning so fast that we can't SEE the answer, even when HE is right in front of us!  Yes, JESUS CHRIST is the answer to ALL of life's questions, but HE wasn't SEEN by these followers, even though He was in their midst.  Jeremiah 29:1 says "You will seek ME and find ME when you seek ME with ALL YOUR HEART."  Where does JESUS fit into our thought process???

Colossians 1:18 says that JESUS is "preeminent" before ALL things!  There are those who act as though they are the "center of attention" and the entire world should revolve around them, as I once did!  But when the BREAD OF LIFE (John 6:35) revealed HIMSELF to the followers, their attention was suddenly changed from the things of "this world" to the LORD!  Then they RETURNED, but only after their "EYES WERE OPENED!"  We can't even follow HIM until our "EYES ARE OPENED"!  

ALMIGHTY GOD, it is my desire to walk the path YOU have planned for me and that I will wait until my "EYES ARE OPENED" to SEE clearly 'THE WAY' YOU have laid out for me!

Friday, October 13, 2017


Romans 12:1-2                                                         (ESV)
"1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of GOD, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to GOD, which is your spiritual worship.
2 DO NOT be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the RENEWAL OF YOUR MIND, THAT BY TESTING YOU MAY DISCERN what is the "WILL OF GOD", what is good and acceptable and perfect."

The debate about celebrating a day that "this world" promotes as a day to recognize the spirit of anything other than Holiness is one that I will steer clear of today.   There are plenty of areas in my life where I "fall short of the glory of GOD", so for me to debate right and wrong would be fruitless, as I am just a sinner saved by grace!  

However, we (the Chosen) are set apart by GOD ALMIGHTY from the NORMAL THINGS that most are doing to delineate ourselves those who elect to have no boundaries in their lives.  Although my devotional was from Romans 12:1-2 only recently, I am once again led to write what GOD is speaking to me regarding these verses.  

We are COMMANDED to DO NOT do what everyone else does, just because everyone else is doing it!  Not only corporately, as a body Believers, but especially as individuals who should be striving to do the "WILL OF GOD"!  We have no control over how others within our fellowship live their lives, but there is NO ONE we can blame for our own actions other than ourselves!  

The Apostle Paul writes BY TESTING YOU MAY DISCERN what is the "WILL OF GOD".  If ALMIGHTY GOD directs me "not to eat meat" (1 Corinthians 8), then I need to avoid meat, no matter what others choose to do.   Conversely, if you are led to abstain from eating meat, I should not tempt  or encourage you to eat meat.  We are to strive to live inside the "WILL OF GOD" for our lives, no matter how the rest of "this world" lives!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Luke 11:1                                          (ESV)
“Now JESUS was praying in a certain place, and when HE finished, one of HIS disciples said to HIM, "LORD, "TEACH US TO PRAY“, as John taught his disciples." 

JESUS came to earth to provide atonement for our sins.  But HE also came to live out an example for Believers in HIM to follow.   This verse of scripture tells us that JESUS had been praying "in a certain place" for a period of time.  When HE finished, a disciple of HIS said to HIM, LORD, "TEACH US TO PRAY"!  

When I ponder why the disciples wanted to pray like JESUS, I am left inquiring whether they had been exposed to JESUS communing with the FATHER, or were just intrigued by the opportunity to communicate with THE CREATOR?  Scripture says in John 10:30 "I and the FATHER are ONE."  Were their EYES yet OPENED to the fact that the MAN walking in their midst WAS, in fact, the ONE WHO spoke the world's into existence (Colossians 1:16)?  Or did they think HE was a conduit to THE CREATOR?

Aren't we in a similar position?  Can we grasp the fullness of WHO CHRIST really is? Am I even Spiritually mature enough to SEEK to know HIM and HIS TRUTHS more intimately?  Or am I so busy trying to be a success in "this world" that I don't have time for all of that Spiritual stuff??  When you think about it, asking GOD in the flesh to "TEACH US TO PRAY" has to be one of the greatest requests ever made?  It can be said that "TEACH US TO PRAY" is very similar to saying "GOD, we want to know YOU more intimately"!  

HEAVENLY FATHER, it is my desire to have my EYES OPENED to know YOU more personally and intimately.  Cause me to SEE YOUR hand in ALL of Creation and grasp that YOU work together for good in ALL things (Romans 8:28) for YOUR purpose.  It is not only my desire for YOU to "TEACH US TO PRAY", but to reflect YOUR Glory in everything I do!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Psalms 37:4                                    (ESV)
“”DELIGHT YOURSELF” in the LORD, and HE will give you the desires of your heart.”

Sometimes we have a preconceived idea that a word means what we think it means, when in reality something totally different is being said.   The dictionary defines the word DELIGHT by saying “a high degree of PLEASURE or ENJOYMENT; joy; rapture:”.  Of course, when I hear ”DELIGHT YOURSELF” I can’t imagine anything more pleasurable than to hold one of my grandchildren in my arms!  Although I was told beforehand, I never knew how much I could love someone until those grandkids came along.  

The love our HEAVENLY FATHER must have for us is so perfect and pure that we can’t even comprehend its level.  Giving us “the desires of our hearts” must give HIM great pleasure, for I dearly love giving my grandchildren whatever makes them smile.  

But ALMIGHTY GOD must be honored and praised by us before HE begins giving us the desires of our heart.   Although we don’t really know how to praise HIM adequately, HE sees the “thoughts and intentions” (Hebrews 4:12) of our hearts!  GOD knows when we tell HIM “I LOVE YOU LORD” before the words come out of our mouths! Galatians 6:7 says that GOD will NOT BE MOCKED, so trying to deceive HIM is a futile proposition.   

Blessing my grandchildren is something that I dearly love to do.  When others are around them, the blessings may spill over onto them!  For this reason alone, I would encourage surrounding yourself with known followers of JESUS CHRIST, because GOD will take care of HIS children, and those blessings may fall on those surrounding them?  And it is a lot easier to “DELIGHT YOURSELF” in the LORD when others are doing the same!  

Monday, October 9, 2017


Acts 9:1-9                                        (ESV)
“1 But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the LORD, went to the high priest
2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the WAY, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
3 Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shone around him.
4 And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting ME?"
5 And he said, "WHO are YOU, LORD?" And HE said, "I am JESUS, WHOM you are persecuting.
6 But rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do."
7 The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one.
8 Saul rose from the ground, and although his eyes were opened, “HE SAW NOTHING”. So they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus.
9 And for three days he was without sight, and neither ate nor drank.”

In the passage of scripture above, Saul could not SEE even though his eyes were open?!?  Saul had intended to go to Damascus to persecute people who belonged to THE WAY, but GOD intervened and adjusted man’s plan once again.  Only when GOD ALMIGHTY determined that he was able to comprehend what was before him did HE open his eyes to what he was looking at.  

How many times have I had my plans altered by GOD, even when I failed to recognize HIM?  One of my biggest weaknesses is driving behind slower moving traffic.   Could it POSSIBLY be that GOD is trying to prevent me from a catastrophe ahead?  Or could HE POSSIBLY just be trying to get me to SLOW my life down to a pace HE wants to be Glorified with, noticing the scenery that I have so often SPED past with the auspices of serving HIM?  

Sometimes we can’t SEE what GOD is doing because HE has chosen to use those circumstances to draw us closer to HIM.  Saul had so much clutter in his vision that he was blinded for three days, eating and drinking nothing during this time, and ONLY THEN did GOD send Ananias (Acts 9:17-19)to minister to him.  

In 2007 I was hospitalized for 52 days, 17 of those days in a drug-induced coma, before GOD delivered me.   From time to time I have to be reminded that making quotas at work, or fulfilling my dreams, or all of “my plans” are not important.  I must, first and foremost, seek HIS will for “my” life and let HIM take care of the rest.  

When we get to the point that all we can focus on is the negative things going on in “this world”, that may be a sign that we are moving too quickly to SEE the things of GOD?  Saul came to a place where “HE SAW NOTHING” and he had to wait on GOD for deliverance.   In 2007, I was in similar position.  Don’t allow yourself to get to a place where “HE SAW NOTHING” before you allow GOD to be GOD in your life!!!!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Exodus 14:14                                   (ESV)
“The LORD will fight for you, and “YOU HAVE ONLY TO BE SILENT." 

You often hear people who say “this is my favorite Bible verse”.   However, the verse above is DEFINITELY NOT on of my favorite verses in all of scripture.  As a matter of fact, this verse causes me to “change” more than any verse I have experienced.  

The first part of the verse is what I would guess that most would focus on, “The LORD will fight for you”.  But the second part, “and you have only to be silent”, is the part that almost constantly convicts me!   The LORD has a way a making me “wait” until I am through “bellyaching” before HE will speak to me in HIS still, small voice.  

The children of Israel in the latter part of verse ten, eleven and twelve were “bellyaching” to GOD!   They said “....And the people of Israel CRIED OUT TO THE LORD.
11 They said to Moses, "Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us in bringing us out of Egypt?
12 Is not this what we said to you in Egypt: 'Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians'? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness."  While is is true they were speaking to Moses, verse ten says “And the people of Israel cried out to the LORD”!!!!  They couldn’t have heard the LORD even they wanted to because they were whining!!!

How many times do I get caught up with how I think things should be going and start whining about how things are going?  GOD may be leading me to the banks of the Red Sea and causing me to wait until the Egyptians get close enough to me so HE can drown them at the bottom of the Red Sea, but I am too busy complaining to hear HIM say “I GOT THIS”!    

MOST HOLY GOD, cause me to understand that YOU are “I AM THAT I AM” and that “YOU NEED ONLY TO BE SILENT”! 

Monday, October 2, 2017


John 11:1-6                                      (ESV)
“1 Now a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha.
2 It was Mary who anointed the LORD with ointment and wiped HIS feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ill.
3 So the sisters sent to HIM, saying, "LORD, he whom you love is ill."
4 But when JESUS heard it HE said, "This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of GOD, so that the SON of GOD may be glorified through it."
5 Now JESUS loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
6 So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, HE stayed "TWO DAYS LONGER" in the place where HE was.”

Much has been written about Lazarus and the circumstances surrounding his life and death.  Scripture makes it rather clear that JESUS loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, therefore it wouldn't make SENSE that JESUS would linger "TWO DAYS LONGER" after hearing Lazarus was ill.  JESUS didn’t immediately leave and come to the aid of Lazarus when notified of his illness.  Surely HE didn’t allow HIS friend to suffer and die, knowing that HE loved him so??

JESUS acted precisely when GOD and HIS SON would be glorified with HIS actions, not when Mary and Martha "thought" HE should.  HE certainly loved them, but their vision was clouded by the circumstances.  The pressures of "this world" has a way of obscuring what we SEE with what is REALLY happening.   Scripture doesn't indicate what JESUS was doing "TWO DAYS LONGER", but we can rest assured that JESUS and FATHER GOD was glorified by the delay.  

Can it be that we think we know better than GOD sometimes and desire to have things done our way, on our timing?  Most of the time we not only want our will to be done, but we think GOD needs to provide on our timetable.   To my knowledge, Scripture doesn't indicate how old Lazarus was when he went to Heaven FOR GOOD, but he initially had to wait "TWO DAYS LONGER" "for the glory of GOD, so that the SON of GOD may be glorified through it."  Maybe we need to be willing to wait a couple of days so GOD and JESUS are Glorified in our lives???