Monday, October 23, 2017


Romans 4:13                             (ESV)
“13 For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the “RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH.”

“GOD continually amazes me with HIS provision.......not of what we want, but of what HE sees that we need!   🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻”.   This was a Word I shared this morning with a friend of mine who is going through a “Divinely appointed” experience.   The description of “Divinely appointed” is used to better say that GOD has a Path for each of our lives that we sometimes don’t understand, but that can be used to draw Glory and Honor to HIS Name.    

The path we travel over our lives is generally not one that we would have planned out “from the beginning”!  But then again, neither would have Moses, nor King David, nor Saul/Paul, nor any other human who has ever lived.  We adjust our habits based on the lessons we learn from prior mistakes, KNOWING that ALMIGHTY GOD is in control and HE is molding us into vessels that will bring Honor and Glory to HIM.   

GOD doesn’t bring results in “hopes” that HE will be glorified in the end.  In Exodus 14:4 scripture records “......and I WILL GET GLORY over Pharaoh and all his hosts...”!  GOD had already changed Pharaoh’s heart to allow the children of Israel to be released from captivity, and then GOD changed Pharaoh’s heart again to make him pursue the Israelites to the Red Sea.   HE had a Plan and HE didn’t mind changing a few hearts for HIM to be glorified in the end.  

The nation that Abraham fathered wasn’t chosen because they were simply Abraham’s descendants, but because Abraham BELIEVED GOD and lived for HIM, just as we do today.  Abraham”s FAITH, and our FAITH, that GOD is WHO HE says HE is separates us from those who deny that ALMIGHTY GOD is.  Because we KNOW WHO HE is, we are compelled to live our lives in a manner that HE will be Glorified by our actions.  The “RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH” should be something that we don’t have to try to achieve, rather because of our relationship with HIM we simply produce.   HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to exemplify a “RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH” with everything I do in my life!!!

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