Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Colossians 2:9-10                          (ESV)
"9 For “IN HIM” the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily,
10 and you have been filled ”IN HIM”, WHO is the head of all rule and authority.”

The greatest mistake that all of us make, to some degree, is limiting what we think GOD can accomplish.   We always seem to think our input is needed to make things complete.  In reality, we simply need to have the FAITH HE can do something and get out of HIS Way!  Exodus 14:14 (ESV) says “The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."  

One of the greatest miracles I have ever experienced was in 2007.  Of course, that was when my Brain Hemorrhaged and I was hospitalized for 52 days.  There are no memories of the doctors consulting with me about how best to treat my condition.  My wife was the one who notified my personal doctor at 5:45AM, and all I did was respond to him.  With my limited wisdom, I would have certainly messed this great event up had I been given the opportunity.   Instead they put me in a drug induced coma for 17 days,  and after 52 days of hospitalization, I was released to re-enter this rat race known as LIFE! 

GOD ALMIGHTY didn’t need my input to get me through “the valley of the shadow of death”, but HE doesn’t require me to help HIM with anything!  It seems our nature is to try and “do things” for the KINGDOM, but in Exodus 14 HE parted the Red Sea all by HIMSELF, without any man made interventions!  At least in my life, it seems that when I get out of the picture, where I stop trying to share HIS Glory, that is when HE does the IMPOSSIBLE!     

The NKJV version says verse 10 like this, “And you are complete in HIM, WHO is the head of all principality and power.”  There is nothing to add to being COMPLETE!  We, most especially I, don’t need to try and do anything “for the KINGDOM”!  All I can do is to enjoy the work HE has completed, “IN HIM”!!!

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