Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Psalms 37:4                                    (ESV)
“”DELIGHT YOURSELF” in the LORD, and HE will give you the desires of your heart.”

Sometimes we have a preconceived idea that a word means what we think it means, when in reality something totally different is being said.   The dictionary defines the word DELIGHT by saying “a high degree of PLEASURE or ENJOYMENT; joy; rapture:”.  Of course, when I hear ”DELIGHT YOURSELF” I can’t imagine anything more pleasurable than to hold one of my grandchildren in my arms!  Although I was told beforehand, I never knew how much I could love someone until those grandkids came along.  

The love our HEAVENLY FATHER must have for us is so perfect and pure that we can’t even comprehend its level.  Giving us “the desires of our hearts” must give HIM great pleasure, for I dearly love giving my grandchildren whatever makes them smile.  

But ALMIGHTY GOD must be honored and praised by us before HE begins giving us the desires of our heart.   Although we don’t really know how to praise HIM adequately, HE sees the “thoughts and intentions” (Hebrews 4:12) of our hearts!  GOD knows when we tell HIM “I LOVE YOU LORD” before the words come out of our mouths! Galatians 6:7 says that GOD will NOT BE MOCKED, so trying to deceive HIM is a futile proposition.   

Blessing my grandchildren is something that I dearly love to do.  When others are around them, the blessings may spill over onto them!  For this reason alone, I would encourage surrounding yourself with known followers of JESUS CHRIST, because GOD will take care of HIS children, and those blessings may fall on those surrounding them?  And it is a lot easier to “DELIGHT YOURSELF” in the LORD when others are doing the same!  

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