Thursday, October 12, 2017


Luke 11:1                                          (ESV)
“Now JESUS was praying in a certain place, and when HE finished, one of HIS disciples said to HIM, "LORD, "TEACH US TO PRAY“, as John taught his disciples." 

JESUS came to earth to provide atonement for our sins.  But HE also came to live out an example for Believers in HIM to follow.   This verse of scripture tells us that JESUS had been praying "in a certain place" for a period of time.  When HE finished, a disciple of HIS said to HIM, LORD, "TEACH US TO PRAY"!  

When I ponder why the disciples wanted to pray like JESUS, I am left inquiring whether they had been exposed to JESUS communing with the FATHER, or were just intrigued by the opportunity to communicate with THE CREATOR?  Scripture says in John 10:30 "I and the FATHER are ONE."  Were their EYES yet OPENED to the fact that the MAN walking in their midst WAS, in fact, the ONE WHO spoke the world's into existence (Colossians 1:16)?  Or did they think HE was a conduit to THE CREATOR?

Aren't we in a similar position?  Can we grasp the fullness of WHO CHRIST really is? Am I even Spiritually mature enough to SEEK to know HIM and HIS TRUTHS more intimately?  Or am I so busy trying to be a success in "this world" that I don't have time for all of that Spiritual stuff??  When you think about it, asking GOD in the flesh to "TEACH US TO PRAY" has to be one of the greatest requests ever made?  It can be said that "TEACH US TO PRAY" is very similar to saying "GOD, we want to know YOU more intimately"!  

HEAVENLY FATHER, it is my desire to have my EYES OPENED to know YOU more personally and intimately.  Cause me to SEE YOUR hand in ALL of Creation and grasp that YOU work together for good in ALL things (Romans 8:28) for YOUR purpose.  It is not only my desire for YOU to "TEACH US TO PRAY", but to reflect YOUR Glory in everything I do!!!

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