Thursday, September 26, 2019


Romans 2:6-9                                           (ESV)
“6 HE will render to each one according to his works:
7 to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, HE will give eternal life;
8 but for those who are self-seeking and “DO NOT OBEY THE TRUTH”, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.”

The fellowship that I attend is currently going through the book of Romans.  We are far from perfect, but we don’t “speed-read” the Bible, rather we delve into Scriptures with great interest, seeing what needs to change in our lives to Glorify GOD!  For me, it seems that the closer I get to the LIGHT, the more dirt I SEE!  

A few weeks ago I will assume that our pastor preached on the verses above.  My memory isn’t the best, but I must have been out of town that day, for I don’t remember the sermon.  Surely I would remember about GOD warning us what IS going to happen to those who “DO NOT OBEY THE TRUTH”?  

Not being a Bible Scholar, I don’t have a lot of Scripture memorized.  Memorizing anything has never been a strong point of mine.  But I KNOW ENOUGH Scripture that I can’t measure up to that I realize that I am “broken and undone”!  The ONLY WAY that GOD is able to look at me is through the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST!   This is NOT about the drunkard, the philanderer, the murderer or the cheat!  I can’t get very far into Scripture and I shamefully have to admit that I am in need of a Savior!  

Martin Luther once reportedly said that our sins were akin to being a hill of dung under a blanket of snow.  Whether he said it or not, when ALMIGHTY GOD looks at me all HE can SEE is the blood of JESUS! HE lived the PERFECT life that we were created to live, only to die a death that we ALL were assigned, because GOD SO LOVED us!!!  However, for those who “DO NOT OBEY THE TRUTH”, there WILL BE wrath and fury one day!  You can trust HIS WORD on this!!!  

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