Friday, September 20, 2019


Romans 8:16-18                                      (ESV)
“16 The SPIRIT HIMSELF bears witness with our spirit that WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD,
17 and if children, then HEIRS-“HEIRS OF GOD” and fellow heirs with CHRIST, PROVIDED WE SUFFER WITH HIM in order that we may also be glorified with HIM.
18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

Overcoming obstacles is a part of this life we are assigned to live in “this world”.  Most of us have “dreams” of grandiose things we dream of accomplishing while alive. But others have their options limited by our PERCEIVED abilities, or disabilities.  

There is a story of a young man, who at the age of four years old, went BACK into a burning building in an attempt of save his little sister.  She didn’t survive, and he was burned over 50% of his body, some places to the bone!  Now, he has been offered a scholarship to play college football, even with his PERCEIVED disabilities.  

When I look at myself, a product of a single parent home, only a high school education, a Brain Hemorrhage survivor, and survivor of heart bypass surgery, I PERCEIVE that I am not very successful.  But then I am reminded of how ALMIGHTY GOD SEES me, looking at me under the BLOOD OF JESUS, HIS SON!  GOD SEES JESUS when HE looks at me because of the sacrifice JESUS paid for me on Calvary.   

Never should I SEE myself as anything less than a blood-bought CHILD OF GOD!  JESUS paid a TREMENDOUS price for my salvation and I don’t need to undersell the cost of HIS life for us mortals.  We are “HEIRS OF GOD”, and we shouldn’t SEE ourselves as anything less!  

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