Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Psalms 127:1                                             (ESV)
“”UNLESS THE LORD” builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. “UNLESS THE LORD” watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”

The verse above was shared today by a friend.  With tomorrow being the anniversary of “9-11”, my mind was already in the mode of reflection.  When I saw this verse, I thought how appropriate to see this one day before recognizing the day that America was brought to its knees by people with no weapons, other than a few box cutters that can be bought at any hardware store.  

America was founded, regardless of what modern-day revisionists proclaim, depending on ALMIGHTY GOD to sustain us.  Where did we take the wrong path?  How did we start depending on our own abilities to protect and secure us rather than depending upon the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES???  

I’m not trying to lay the blame on anyone, but for the most part the general public has become ADDICTED to the television and what the one-eyed monster feeds us.  Whether conservative or liberal, whatever we feed will continue to grow and mature.  On September 12, 2001 an almost eerie silence was prevalent in the United States.  Even our elected representatives gathered for prayer on the steps of the capital.   Within a few days, however, we were back to blaming each other and fighting amongst ourselves, forgetting that “the enemy” was waging a war against us!  

Folks, “the enemy” is NOT conservatives, liberals, nor people who refuse to align with any political view.  “The enemy” is disguising himself and we are moving so fast that we don’t stop our “busyness” long enough to identify our own assailants!  And ALL of the actions are regrettably fulfilling Scripture!  

Many may tire of me preaching to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD, but HE is our ONLY HOPE!  “UNLESS THE LORD” builds a house, the house (or nation) is built in vain!  My stage may not reach many, but I am CALLED to proclaim that “UNLESS THE LORD”! is HIGH AND LIFTED UP once again, HIS JUDGEMENT will come again!!!

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