Monday, September 30, 2019


Jonah 3:10                                                (ESV)
“When “GOD SAW” what they did, how they TURNED FROM THEIR EVIL WAY, GOD RELENTED of the disaster that HE had said HE would do to them, and HE did not do it.”

In the book of Jonah, GOD directed the prophet Jonah to a city called Nineveh over his staunch objections to preach a five word (in the Jewish language) sermon!  “Yet 40 days, Nineveh shall be otherthrown!!”  Even though his heart wasn’t behind his sermon, ALMIGHTY GOD still used it to cause the ENTIRE city to REPENT!  

GOD can cause any city, nation, or the entire world to have their EYES opened, but are we praying for that???  The city of Nineveh is approximately where Mosul, Iraq is today. From history, we understand that some of the inhabitants of Iraq can be blinded to TRUTH.  It becomes extremely easy to MISTAKENLY lump all of a people into a group because of how some louder members of their own.  But ALMIGHTY GOD SEES hearts and HE knew that these hearts were changed.  

How long should we continue showing mercy to people in our lives?  GOD’s WRATH is not a pretty sight.  The Angel of GOD struck down 185,000 Assyrians in one night in 2 Kings 19:35.  Where would you guess that Assyria was?  According to an internet search engine, biblical Assyria is modern day Iraq! 

Don’t assume that ALMIGHTY GOD is always going to BLESS the United States of America because we are so wealthy, benevolent, mighty and strong.  We are rapidly becoming a godless country and HIS WRATH could, and should, be released on us. Jonah had in his mind that GOD should destroy Nineveh.  “GOD SAW” the hearts of the Ninevites change.  Will GOD see our hearts change????

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