Thursday, March 19, 2020


1 Timothy 2:1-4                                          (ESV)
“1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for “ALL PEOPLE”,
2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that WE MAY LEAD A PEACEFUL AND QUIET LIFE, Godly and dignified in every way.
3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of GOD our SAVIOR,
4 WHO desires “ALL PEOPLE” to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the TRUTH.”

There are those who are giving the current President of the United States tremendous credit for the success America is enjoying.  At the same time, there are others who criticize him for the way he does things, especially the speech he chooses to use.  He most definitely has FLAWS, but there is not a man born of woman who doesn’t have flaws, NO NOT ONE!

The bottom line is, GOD IN HEAVEN IS IN CONTROL, and if HE says someone else should be President, then this November will be a good time for that to happen.  Until then, I am instructed to urge others to PRAY for “ALL PEOPLE”, both in leadership and servant hood.  It is very easy to see faults, to criticize, to imagine how things could be done better.  But taking time to offer “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings” for “ALL PEOPLE” can change the prism we view ourselves and others through.  

One of the most uncomfortable things that I have had to come to grips with in my life is that I AM NOT GOD and I AM NOT IN CONTROL!  When we start losing CONTROL, we can either let go and let GOD run things, or we will do anything within our power to regain control!  When we get to the point where we CANNOT control things, recognizing that GOD IS IN CONTROL will bring about a PEACEFUL AND QUIET LIFE!  Turmoil and confusion are replaced with PEACE and JOY.  JESUS brings PEACE!!

“ALL PEOPLE” need to understand that we are placed on earth to GLORIFY GOD, not glorify each other!  Presidents come and go.  Pastors will leave your church.  Even your parents will leave you one day.  But JESUS CHRIST will NEVER leave us (Romans 8:35-30) nor forsake us!  HIS LOVE will be in HEAVEN, but also please remember HIS WRATH will be in HELL FOR ETERNITY!  “ALL PEOPLE” will receive their just rewards.  You can call on HIM now, or you can cry out to HIM from Hades for eternity?!?  

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