Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Psalms 27:14                            (KJV)
“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and “HE SHALL STRENGTHEN THINE HEART”: wait, I say, on the LORD.”

Lifting weights during strength training was always one of the least favorite things I endured in school.  Being raised on a working farm, we never had to concern ourselves with strength training, for our chores demanded we be strong enough to do what we were assigned.  

A commentary about the Children of Israel crossing the Red Sea says they “encamped” eight days before GOD parted the waters for them.  Eight days of waiting!  For me, waiting has always been one of the most challenging things I have ever done.  TRUSTING in HIS timing can be FRUSTRATING.  “There is actually SOMETHING happening while NOTHING is happening. GOD USES WAITING TO CHANGE US” was in a devotional that I read recently.  HE wants us to be more like HIS SON, and for some of us, HE has to change us A LOT!  

GOD IS IN CONTROL!  How many times do I have to hear this before I realize that I am NOT in control?   WAITING might be a part of my lesson that I am not in control!  Twice in this one verse Scripture instructs me to WAIT ON THE LORD!  Only once does it say “HE SHALL STRENGTHEN THINE HEART”!   WAIT LIFTING is tougher to me than WEIGHT LIFTING ever dreamed of being!  When our CREATOR wants us to WAIT ON THE LORD, “HE SHALL STRENGTHEN THINE HEART” is usually not far behind!!!

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