Monday, March 9, 2020


1 John 5:4-5                                                (ESV)
“4 For everyone who has been born of GOD overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith.
5 Who is it that overcomes the world “EXCEPT THE ONE” WHO BELIEVES that JESUS is the SON of GOD?”

A theologian I follow on a social media site recently put these words out for reflection.  

“The church is not in trouble.

Christ chose His church.
Christ died for His church.
Christ resurrected for His church.
Christ ascended for His church.
Christ intercedes for His church.
Christ is returning for His church.

The church is not in trouble.”

People get all riled up over what some preacher says and totally disregard what GOD’s WORD is trying to tell them.  There has never been a soul born that was without flaw, “EXCEPT THE ONE” known as JESUS.  We don’t need to lose sight that HE is the ONE WHO stands in the GAP for us, the ONE WHO was able to pay the great price for my sinful behavior.  

“EXCEPT THE ONE” was willing to sacrifice HIS LIFE, then overcome death, hell, and the grave, all of my peace, joy, and love would be worthless.  Charles H. Spurgeon, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, all great men of GOD, but all saw the need for a Savior.  I am an “EXCEPT THE ONE” that Believes in “EXCEPT THE ONE” that left the perfection of Heaven to live in a fallen world in order to provide salvation (John 1:12-13) through Believing in HIM.  


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