Thursday, March 12, 2020


Romans 14:11-12                                      (ESV)
“11 for it is written, "As I live, says the LORD, EVERY KNEEshall bow to ME, and every tongue shall confess to GOD." 
12 So then “EACH OF US” will give an account of himself to GOD.”

The uproar being generated by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is remarkable.  In a country that has approximately 330,000,000 living in it, to date 29 deaths have been associated with the COVID-19 virus.  Worldwide 126,093 people have been diagnosed with the disease.  It has claimed the lives of 4,628 people.  68,211 of the 126,093 have totally recovered.   According to an internet search engine there are currently 7.8 BILLION people in the world.  So the actual numbers say that 0.0000006% of our population has experienced something that we ALL are GUARANTEED to have to deal with one day!  

The Scripture above states “As I live, says the LORD, EVERY KNEE shall bow to ME, and every tongue shall confess to GOD.  So then “EACH OF US” will give an account of himself to GOD.”   NOBODY WILL ESCAPE bowing to JESUS, and confessing to GOD.  “EACH OF US” will give an account of himself to GOD.”  These words were spoken by “the LORD”, so there isn’t escaping the finality and surety that is imminent. 

In reality, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) will more than likely not turn into the “killer” that “this world” wants us to believe.  The grim reality though is that “EACH OF US” will kneel before JESUS and proclaim that HE IS GOD!  The news media won’t warn anyone that this JUDGEMENT is coming.  HIS WORD is very explicit and plain!  “EACH OF US” had better become familiar with the only ONE WHO save us on that day!!!

Don’t allow your regularly scheduled programming to resume before you take this message to heart!  HIS WORD says “EACH OF US”, and this includes you!!!

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