Thursday, March 26, 2020


Luke 5:16                                                    (ESV)
“But “HE WOULD WITHDRAW” to desolate places and pray.”

There is an “app” that has many different translations of Scripture.  I use this when I am studying a particular verse, trying to get exactly what GOD is telling me to draw me closer to HIM.  Luke 5:16 is one of those verses.  One translation says “But JESUS HIMSELF would “often” slip away to the wilderness and pray.”  Another says “However, HE continued HIS “habit” of retiring to deserted places and praying.”  

GOD was a way of using what I see as adverse circumstances to move me INTO THE WILDERNESS so that I can be alone with HIM.  HE expects us to follow HIS Plan for our lives, but sometimes I get so caught up in doing what “I think” is where I need to go that I can’t SEE HIM directing me INTO THE WILDERNESS.  JESUS made a habit of spending time alone with HIS FATHER and getting HIS marching orders.  

Especially since JESUS “would often slip away to the wilderness and pray” that we would have a tendency to do likewise?  However our vision gets clouded by the cares of “this world” and start Believing the LIE that we are doing so much for HIM, when all HE wants is for us to only be silent, and let THE LORD fight for us. (Exodus 14:14). 

HIS PRESENCE should be the most sought after trait that we long for.  However, HIS PROVISION is what most of us long to experience.  When we get alone with HIM, HIS PROVISION becomes secondary to HIS PRESENCE.  It wasn’t coincidence that “HE WOULD WITHDRAW” by HIMSELF, getting HIS focus back on the things ABOVE instead of “this world”!  Since “HE WOULD WITHDRAW”, shouldn’t we do likewise???

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