Tuesday, January 5, 2021


 Psalms 68:1-3                                (ESV)


2 As smoke is driven away, so you SHALL drive them away; as wax melts before fire, so THE WICKED SHALL PERISH before GOD! 

3 But THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL BE GLAD; THEY SHALL exult before GOD; THEY SHALL be jubilant with joy!”  

For those who read the BIBLE like a novel, it might not be as convicting, nor as uplifting as it is to me.  When you SEE the BIBLE as GOD speaking to you, it changes your entire life and lifestyle.  To understand that the CREATOR of everything (including the air we breathe!) DESIRES to have an open line of communication with us is more amazing than life itself!  Why would a thrice HOLY GOD want to fellowship with someone as wicked as me??? 

For me at least, allowing the “cares of this world” tends to dominate my thinking.   How do I help a client?  How do I pay my bills?  How do I lose weight???  How does one live a HOLY life?  It seems that my focus is always on how I need to improve rather than just communing with THE ONE WHO desires to be with me!  When we get to the place where we acknowledge that GOD is SUPREME over everything, we are just beginning to understand that HE IS GOD, and we ARE NOT!

The word SHALL is written in the Scripture shared above seven times. To me it says that GOD HAS A PLAN and it isn’t up for debate.  Whether we approve of HIS PLAN or not doesn’t change the outcome.  I’m almost certain that Peter and the disciples would have preferred NOT to have allowed JESUS to have been captured, tortured and crucified on Calvary.  But GOD’S PLAN was going to be fulfilled!! 

THOSE WHO HATE HIM SHALL FLEE may not be speaking of people who are angry with GOD, or those who didn’t get their way in life.  It seems to me that when things appear bleak and hopeless, THAT IS WHEN GOD shows out!  In Exodus 14:10 the Israelites saw Pharaoh and the Egyptians approaching.  They FEARED GREATLY!!!  But GOD was preparing to gain GLORY over Pharaoh and all his hosts!  GOD had to set them up though.....FOR HIS GLORY!  The Egyptians tried to FLEE, but the Red Sea consumed them.  

“GOD SHALL ARISE”, whether we can SEE how HE is going to accomplish HIS PURPOSE or not!  We don’t have to understand how HE is going to work HIS PLAN, we just have to understand that HE is the OMNIPOTENT GOD and we are here to GLORIFY HIS NAME!  When trying times arise in life, we must remember that “GOD SHALL ARISE” is more than words written in the Psalms, it is a PROMISE from GOD that HE SHALL BE GLORIFIED!  “GOD SHALL ARISE” happened after Calvary, and it SHALL happen again!!!

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