Thursday, January 14, 2021


 Matthew 27:11-14                         (ESV)

“11 Now JESUS stood before the governor, and the governor asked HIM, "Are you the King of the Jews?" JESUS said, "You have said so."

12 But when HE was accused by the chief priests and elders, “HE GAVE NO ANSWER”.

13 Then Pilate said to HIIM, "Do YOU not hear how many things they testify against YOU?"

14 But HE GAVE HIM NO ANSWER, not even to a single charge, so that the governor was greatly amazed.”

The trial and crucifixion of JESUS was THE MOST blatant display of WHO HE is in contrast to who the enemy is!  HE freely gave HIMSELF, while the enemy THOUGHT he was taking what he wanted!  Even though JESUS KNEW that HE was being falsely accused, HE remained silent to allow THE WILL OF GOD to be completed.  HIS silence wasn’t a sign of weakness or ignorance, it was so THE PLAN OF GOD would be carried out!  JESUS IS THE ANSWER to every question in life, yet HE CHOSE to remain silent during the most crucial of times, for the GLORY OF THE FATHER!

Trusting THE PLAN OF GOD for our lives while being silent is NOT what our “NATURAL MAN” is built to do.  According to HIS WORD, the NATURAL MAN MUST DIE and we MUST BE BORN AGAIN (John 3:7)!!!  JESUS was brutally tortured and crucified, but HE was raised from the dead by the SPIRIT OF GOD, for the GLORY OF THE FATHER!  

HIS LOVE for we who are CHOSEN has to be far more than we can fathom.  HE left HIS THRONE IN GLORY to be born in a cattle stable, among the least of HIS CREATION, so that we could be AS HE IS!  JESUS created (Colossians 1:16) everyone and everything that ever was, yet HE willingly debased HIMSELF because we couldn’t live the perfection required to enter HEAVEN and live forever with HIM!  Our CREATOR overcame sin just because HE LOVED ME!  

In order for me to have the gift of salvation, “HE GAVE NO ANSWER” in the midst of LIES and severe persecution!  It was something that JESUS was compelled to do by HIS DIVINE LOVE for us, and obedience for THE FATHER.  HE wasn’t tricked into it!  HE wasn’t surprised by it!  HE could have beckoned twelve legions (144,000) of angels on HIS behalf (Matthew 26:53), but HE CHOSE to SUFFER to pay for our sins!  “HE GAVE NO ANSWER” and kept HIS silence, even though HE HAD THE ANSWER!!!

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