Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 Luke 21:7 (ESV)

“And they ( the disciples ) asked HIM, "TEACHER, “WHEN WILL THESE THINGS BE”, and what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?"

‘JESUS foretells the destruction of the temple’ is the caption above the verses 5-9 paragraph of Luke 21. Telling HIS disciples that the temple would be destroyed was seemingly beyond comprehension, and I’m sure they perplexed as to the details surrounding the destruction. But they didn’t question how the temple would be destroyed, nor the degree it would be torn, but “TEACHER, “WHEN WILL THESE THINGS BE””???

Likewise, in our lives we want to know “WHEN WILL THESE THINGS BE”, as if we NEED to know so that we can prove we are CHOSEN by GOD? But JESUS says in Mark 11:22 “Have FAITH in GOD”. Not just that GOD IS ABLE, but that HE knows “precisely” WHEN HIS MIRACLE needs to happen in our lives.....for HIS GLORY!!!

In Exodus 14 the Children of Israel were leaving Egyptian captivity headed towards the Promised Land. GOD instructed Moses to TURN BACK AND ENCAMP at the Red Sea. We NOW KNOW that the Egyptians were swallowed up by the waters and were never seen again. But the Children of Israel had to WAIT for The LORD.  

GOD was preparing to do a work unlike humanity had never experienced. The Children of Israel HAD to wait for 10-14 days encamped on the banks of the Red Sea, I’m sure wondering WHAT they were waiting for? They couldn’t SEE what GOD was doing. We cannot always SEE what GOD is working on today either. But we MUST HAVE FAITH IN GOD, both in HIS abilities AND HIS TIMING!!! GOD has a PLAN! We can be confident that “WHEN WILL THESE THINGS BE” is figured in HIS PLAN!!!

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