Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 Genesis 50:19                         (ESV)

“But Joseph said to them, “Do not fear, “FOR AM I IN THE PLACE OF GOD?””

Most people would choose comfort over hardship if they had a say in the matter.  Joseph didn’t necessarily have options, but he never questioned GOD about where he was, nor why he was there.  He simply kept his EYES on the LORD and trusted HIM to work ALL THINGS for HIS good!

Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery at the age of 17!  He could’ve become bitter and distraught?  Then he worked his way up the ladder to be Potiphar’s right hand man, only to have the wife of Potiphar lie about him and have him placed into prison.  After Joseph was placed in prison, he “found favor” with GOD and interpreted two dreams, one from the cupbearer of Pharaoh and the other from the baker of Pharaoh. 

Joseph glorified GOD even though he was imprisoned and in slavery.  He didn’t allow his current situation to dictate his happiness in the LORD.  We could learn a valuable lesson from Joseph.  Not allowing where we are to determine where GOD will use us is something that GOD WILL USE FOR HIS GLORY!!!  “FOR AM I IN THE PLACE OF THE LORD?” needs to be emblazoned upon the forehead of we who trust in HIM!!!

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