Friday, March 5, 2021


 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12                (ESV)

“9 THE COMING OF THE LAWLESS ONE is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,

10 and WITH ALL WICKED DECEPTION FOR THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING, because they refused to love “THE TRUTH” and so be saved.


12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe “THE TRUTH” but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

If you recall Job in the Old Testament, he was said to be “...blameless and upright, one who feared GOD and turned away from evil.”  One day Satan had Job pointed out to him by GOD ALMIGHTY and was asked “Have you considered MY servant Job”?  My belief is that GOD knew that Job would never turn away from his belief that GOD was GOD, even when things got BAD, VERY BAD.  In the end, GOD ultimately “...restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the LORD GAVE Job TWICE AS MUCH as he had before”!  

GOD KNEW that Job would exhibit the FAITH that would defeat Satan FOR THE GLORY OF GOD!  Because Job had a secured relationship with “THE TRUTH”, he would never be abandoned by HIS CREATOR.  Satan tried EVERYTHING, but Job would NOT deny that GOD was on HIS THRONE!  His health, his family, his wealth, nothing was enough to sacrifice his kinship the his HEAVENLY FATHER.  

“THE TRUTH” lived inside of Job, and lives inside of every Believer.  There are many people who profess of being a Believer, but when they are presented with a STRONG DELUSION begin to wander and BELIEVE WHAT IS FALSE!  GOD’s WORD is TRUTH, and it will never change to accommodate the current society.  We are instructed to LOVE our enemy (Matthew 5:44), but if we LOVE someone we wouldn’t allow them to proceed to drive unaware off of a mountain cliff KNOWING that certain death was awaiting them, would we?  

Job knew GOD, and his faithfulness during his trials gave evidence of his relationship.  When he was squeezed, “THE TRUTH” came out of him.  My prayer is that when times are tough, as they were with Job, that “THE TRUTH” is evident in my life!  STRONG DELUSIONS and WHAT IS FALSE will be sent my way, but “THE TRUTH” is what I place my FAITH in!!!

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