Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 John 9:13-17                                    (ESV)

“[13] They brought to the Pharisees the man who had FORMERLY been blind. [14] Now it was a Sabbath day when JESUS made the mud and opened his eyes. [15] So the Pharisees again asked him how he had received his sight. And he said to them, “HE put mud on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.” [16] Some of the Pharisees said, “This MAN is not from GOD, for HE does not keep the Sabbath.” But others said, “How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?” And THERE WAS A DIVISION AMONG THEM. [17] So they said again to the blind man, “”WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT HIM”, since HE has opened your eyes?” He said, “HE is a prophet.”

The young man written about in the passage of Scripture above had been blind since birth (John 9:19), therefore he had only known the experience of SEEING since he met JESUS.  Blindness was all he had ever known.  When questioned by the Pharisees about his newfound sight, his response was “Whether HE is a sinner I DO NOT KNOW. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, NOW I SEE.”  

Experiencing sight for the first time since birth was something that this individual was very excited about.  Although he didn’t fully understand WHO JESUS was, he had evidence in his life because now he could SEE!  There was NO DOUBT that a MIRACULOUS event had occurred in his life, but he DID NOT KNOW precisely what JESUS had repaired.  Yet his NOT KNOWING  how his eyes were able to SEE did not prevent him from observing his surroundings.  

One of the most difficult things to understand is how and why everything around us works together, especially FOR HIS GOOD (Romans 8:28)!  We have to remember that we are NOT GOD, and we CANNOT UNDERSTAND things that our EYES have not been OPENED to.  Much like the Pharisees, we want to understand everything that GOD is doing, but until GOD chooses to open our hearts and eyes, we will have to have FAITH IN HIS leadership and submit to HIS AUTHORITY!

When GOD works a miracle in a life, we may not understand what HIS PURPOSE of the miracle is right away, but if we WALK BY FAITH HE will UNDOUBTEDLY reveal HIS TRUTH to us, FOR HIS GLORY!  The young man might not have understood exactly what had happened to him, but he had no problem explaining to the Pharisees “WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT HIM”?  I once was blind, BUT NOW I SEE!!!

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