Thursday, July 1, 2021


 Five years ago the HOLY SPIRIT directed me to write these words, and HE is still working in and through me to PERFECT HIS will in my life!  It amazes me how much patience GOD uses with me!!!

Psalms 37:34-36                                    (ESV)

"34 "WAIT FOR THE LORD" and keep HIS way, and HE will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off. 

35 I have seen a wicked, ruthless man, spreading himself like a green laurel tree. 

36 But he passed away, and behold, he was no more; though I sought him, he could not be found."

Seeking GOD's Will for our lives is a tremendously important, maybe imperative, thing for us to do.  When GOD has given you HIS PLAN, all worries about how and why seems to dissipate as HE is responsible for the details, as well as the big picture.  The biggest thing I have to be on guard against is making sure I "WAIT FOR THE LORD"!  

To say patience has never been a strong suit of mine could quite possibly be the greatest understatement of all time!  A cartoon from my youth comes to mind when thinking of my mindset when performing a task, whether for the LORD, or anything else in my adult years, The Tasmanian Devil!   "Taz" would get moving so fast that he couldn't see what was going on around him, he couldn't be concerned with anything but what he was trying to accomplish.  When I get The Message from GOD of what I'm called to do for HIM, I then have to "WAIT FOR THE LORD" as to when I am to do what HE has instructed me to do!  

Since GOD has given me HIS PLAN, it seems I always want to help GOD along, and that is where I usually mess things up!   Can you imagine if the children of Israel had chosen to NOT "WAIT FOR THE LORD" at the Red Sea?  More than likely the Egyptians would have a lot of company at the bottom of the Red Sea.  But when they "WAITED FOR THE LORD" HE delivered them across the Red Sea AND "not one of them (the Egyptians) remained" (Exodus 14:28)!

The Israelites knew that they were on the way to The Promised Land.  GOD was providing cover for them with a Pillar of Cloud and Pillar of Fire.  But they had to "WAIT FOR THE LORD" AND HIS TIMING to get the deliverance across the Red Sea.  You can "spread yourself like a green laurel tree" and try things on your own timetable, but you might wind up "cut off, or better still, "passed away"!  To prefer to "WAIT FOR THE LORD" is how I will choose to live my life.  

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