Saturday, September 11, 2021


 “We hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT, that ALL MEN are CREATED EQUAL, that THEY ARE “ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR” WITH CERTAIN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  

Far too many times I, and not me but ALL OF US, read or learn something that we don’t understand and don’t bother absorbing the true potency of the MESSAGE of the words. This morning I am inclined to “dig deeper” into these words from the Declaration of Independence of The United States of America and hopefully CHANGE my life for GOD’S GLORY!

According to the dictionary the words “SELF-EVIDENT” means “evident without proof or reasoning”, basically sounding like the definition of FAITH in Hebrews 11:1 “Now FAITH IS the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of THINGS NOT SEEN”.  We cannot SEE things clearly until we slow down and observe things at the pace our CREATOR intends us to be moving.  Moving UP THE LADDER of success might not be HIS PLAN for our lives, even though our worldly assets are compounding.  

ALL MEN might be misconstrued to make us believe that women aren’t equal with men.  Since we are ALL CREATED by the same CREATOR, HIS WORD would be the place to disprove that, which it does in NUMEROUS places.  Acknowledging that our CREATOR doesn’t make mistakes is a TRUTH that has not yet been revealed to ALL.  But ONE DAY everybody will SEE (2 Thessalonians 1-12)!

The UNALIENABLE RIGHTS rights are the rights that can never be forfeited.  IF ALMIGHTY GOD has ENDOWED (to provide with something freely or naturally) us with these rights, who has the authority to remove these rights from us?  Obviously it would be someone believing that they knew better for us than our CREATOR???

These “words” have caused me to SLOW my thinking and to acknowledge my CREATOR is the ONLY ONE WHO is in charge of everything.  HE can turn man’s greatest schemes into a Red Sea moment.  HE can use a 17-day coma to be used for HIS GLORY!  And HE can use the betrayal and crucifixion of HIS SON to redeem HIS CHOSEN!   GOD CAN DO ANYTHING, but according to Hebrews 11:6, “WITHOUT FAITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM”!!!

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