Thursday, September 2, 2021


 Romans 11:5-10                      (ESV)

“[5] So too at the present time there is a remnant, CHOSEN BY GRACE. [6] But if IT IS BY GRACE, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise GRACE would no longer be GRACE.

[7] What then? Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking. THE ELECT  obtained it, but THE REST WERE HARDENED, [8] as it is written, 




    down to this very day.”

    [9] And David says, 

    “Let their table become a snare and a trap,

        a stumbling block and a retribution for them; 

    [10] let their eyes be darkened so that they cannot see,

        and bend their backs forever.””

Being CHOSEN by ALMIGHTY GOD to suffer for HIS SAKE (Acts 9:16) is a BLESSING beyond description, even though being SET APART can be confusing to some. How many people would think that they were CHOSEN BY GRACE when suffering is being dispensed upon them in great measure?  It could be that “GOD GAVE” the suffering for HIM to ultimately get Glory???

GOD has a perfect PLAN, a PLAN that we think we might make more pleasing when we “do good things” for HIM?  But is HIS PLAN for us to go to prison (like Joseph in Genesis 39), or to lose everything in our life (like Job), or maybe even give up our life for people who think we are a heretic (like JESUS)? 

Walking by FAITH that HE IS GOD, and we ARE NOT, is not for the weak!  Yes, we are HIS and we “should” acknowledge WE ARE NOT in charge of our lives.  Isaiah 42:5-9 tells us that GOD GIVES us even the breath we breathe and we have been CALLED in righteousness for HIS GLORY, which HE will NOT share with another!  “GOD GAVE” us the breath to bring honor and glory to HIS NAME, NOT to elevate ourselves!

GOD works in ways that most people cannot understand.  However 1 Corinthians 2:11-16 says that we are CHOSEN for HIS PLAN and “have the mind of CHRIST” to illuminate our paths. Don’t get frustrated that others can’t SEE what is obvious to your EYES.  Just as “GOD GAVE” you open EYES, others may not have been GIVEN the same thing…….YET!  “GOD GAVE” some “a SPIRIT OF STUPOR, EYES THAT WOULD NOT SEE and EARS THAT WOULD NOT HEAR”.  Pray that GOD will one day open their EYES to SEE TRUTH!!!

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