Friday, September 3, 2021


 Psalm 27:14                           (KJV)

“”WAIT ON THE LORD”: be of good courage, and HE shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”

It has been difficult the past few evenings for me to get to sleep.  When I awoke this morning I noticed that I was attempting to “get back into the groove” that I operate in most of the time, but there was something that would NOT allow that.  It was as if ALMIGHTY GOD was trying to tell me to “WAIT ON THE LORD” and I was trying to rush back into “this world” and the cares of being apart of society.  

There are times I get so caught up with the “tunnel vision” of doing things in the same way that I have always done them that I don’t SEE that GOD might be wanting me to move in a different direction.  The mindset of “I have to ________(fill in the blank)” might not be WALKING BY FAITH, instead operating in my own wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:5).  The only thing that I HAVE TO DO is fellowship with my CREATOR, my ROCK and FORTRESS!

My mind quickly races back to the Brain Hemorrhage so many years ago.  My life was moving at a pace that is maybe too painful to admit.  It seemed that I thought GOD “needed me” to do everything for HIM, when in reality HE was trying just to spend time with me, AND ME WITH HIM!  

It might be best that I develop a “WAIT ON THE LORD” mentality rather than trying to DO something for HIM?  In Exodus 14:14 HE told the Children of Israel through Moses “The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”  GOD didn’t NEED HIS Children to help HIM part the Red Sea.  HE doesn’t NEED me to do ANYTHING for HIM!  I just need to learn to “WAIT ON THE LORD” and watch HIM destroy my enemies!!!

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