Wednesday, September 1, 2021


 Luke 5:16                                 (ESV)

“But HE would “WITHDRAW” to desolate places and pray.”

A technique that I use on occasion that brings interesting results is to go to and enter a verse and read all of the different translations showing for that particular verse.  Luke 5:16 is !

JESUS, GOD IN FLESH, would OFTEN withdraw (remove HIMSELF) from the cares of “this world” to be alone with and pray to HIS heavenly FATHER.  You might think that since HIS SPIRIT was divine that HE would not be required to spend a lot of time conversing with HIS FATHER, because HE had been with HIM for eternity past and probably knew what GOD was going to direct HIM to do before HE even ask?  But JESUS not only KNEW, but HE lived the realization that FELLOWSHIP with GOD IN HEAVEN wasn’t just desired, it was a NECESSITY OF LIFE!!

JESUS says in John 14:6 “…No one comes to the FATHER except through ME.”  HE also says in John 10:30 “I and the FATHER are ONE.” Why then do I find it incredibly difficult to “WITHDRAW” from the DISTRACTIONS of “this world” and enter into PEACE and contentment that is only possible through HIM?  In Exodus 33:11, Scripture records “Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. When Moses turned again into the camp, his assistant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, WOULD NOT DEPART FROM THE TENT.”  Joshua couldn’t get enough of THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD so he WOULD NOT DEPART FROM THE TENT!

Having WITHDRAWALS from anything you are addicted to can de difficult.  Am I ADDICTED to JESUS enough that I find it difficult to “WITHDRAW”?  Or am I so addicted to “this world” that I don’t want to “WITHDRAW” for time alone with JESUS???

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