Monday, September 13, 2021


 Matthew 11:25-26.                      (ESV)

“[25] At that time JESUS declared, “I thank YOU, FATHER, LORD of heaven and earth, that “YOU HAVE HIDDEN THESE THINGS” from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children; [26] yes, FATHER, for such was YOUR GRACIOUS WILL,”

Recently one of my eyes was in peril.  Either my eyelid was scratched, or I had something inside of the eyelid that saw VERY  uncomfortable.  It seemed the only way I could get relief was keeping my eye shut.  Have you ever noticed how much your eyes influence what your mind thinks?  What we permit to enter our eyesight greatly influences where our minds travel.  I have allowed TOO MUCH filth to enter my minds through carnal and selfish desires in my life, and I pray that I have learned that my eyes are only processing what is before them!

Colossians 3:2-3 says “SET YOUR MINDS on things that are above, NOT ON THINGS THAT ARE ON THE EARTH. For you have died, and YOUR LIFE IS HIDDEN with CHRIST in GOD.”  If I spent more time and effort on SEEING what GOD would have me SEE, maybe I would be better used by HIM, and for HIS GLORY?  HE is the ONE that causes “the blind” to SEE and can allow a “broken vessel” to GLORIFY HIS NAME!

Those of us who are merely human sometimes are badly mistaken about who we are, and mostly WHO made us!  We act as though our finite, corruptible minds are the equivalent to YOUR WISDOM, then YOUR WORD is used to humble me and show me just how much I DON’T KNOW.  I don’t have the intellect to “imagine” (1 Corinthians 2:9) what YOU are planning for me, so why don’t I just close my scratched eyes and enjoy the show?  

If “YOU HAVE HIDDEN THESE THINGS” from the “wise and understanding”, and YOU can use me to DRAW them to YOU, my prayer is that YOU will do that.  Cause me to, BY FAITH, close my EYES and be used of YOU, and for YOUR GRACIOUS WILL!!!

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