Friday, September 10, 2021


 John 14:25-27                            (ESV)

“[25] “These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you. [26] But “THE HELPER”, the HOLY SPIRIT, WHOM the FATHER will send in MY name, HE will teach you all things and BRING TO YOUR REMEMBRANCE all that I have said to you. [27] PEACE I leave with you; MY PEACE I give to you. NOT AS THE WORLD GIVES do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, NEITHER LET THEM BE AFRAID.”


It motivates some to perform works they did know they had within their abilities.  For some it causes them to withdraw AND NOT TRY things that would be within themselves.  The HOLY SPIRIT dwells within the “inner beings” (or hearts) of Believers in JESUS CHRIST.   HE is capable of delivering us through trials that we are even unaware of at times! 

In July 2007 my brain hemorrhaged and the drug Propofol was used to place me into a medically induced coma for 17 days.  Now I did not “go to Heaven” nor experience anything outside of the body to my knowledge.  However I did have some rather vivid dreams during the first few days of being brought out of the coma.  When asked about the coma, I tell people it was as if the lights were turned off for 17 days and when they were turned back on my brain was operating in molasses!  

Being “in control” was something that I took a lot of PRIDE in!  Probably the first thing I realized during my recovery was how much I WAS NOT “in control”!  Since the hemorrhage occurred in the word recall portion of the brain, I still have trouble verbalizing the words that are in my mind at times.  How GRATEFUL I am that HOLY SPIRIT was living inside of my being (and inside of my wife) and was testifying through us WHO HE is, especially during those 52 days!  During a check up this week, a doctor stated that he wasn’t sure that I was going to make it.  But your wife KNEW that you were going to be “just fine”!  

Now it might be tempting to claim that my wife and I were Spiritually Mature enough to get through the ordeal because of our strong faith.  Keep in mind, my lights were OUT and she tells me that there were a few nights driving home that she doesn’t remember parts of the road to our house as she was so distraught.  But HOLY SPIRIT was performing HIS WORK despite our weaknesses and drawing Honor and Glory to JESUS, WHO STILL HEALS TODAY!!!

“THE HELPER” does HIS best work when we allow HIM to get ALL of the Glory!  Had I been “awake”, I would have been telling the doctors what they “needed” to be doing!  My wife is more likely to “watch and learn” than I ever was.  “THE HELPER” didn’t need me, my wife, nor even the skilled care afforded me from the professionals to assist in HIS WORK!  HE did HIS WORK in HIS TIMING and HE gets ALL OF THE GLORY, for “THE HELPER” healed me!  I was just along for the ride!!!

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